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Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period
Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period contains 60 volumes of Romantic poetry composed by Scottish women, critical reviews, and scholarly essays.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
ProQuest One Education is a comprehensive, multi-format destination for teaching, learning, and research in the field of education covering educational leadership, educational technology, pedagogy, education policy, special education, and many other areas.
During the Korean War, a Federal Defense History Program was established, generating a series of reports from the civilian control agencies. This collection consists of 178 titles from 21 agencies involved in administering the mobilization and managing the economy during this difficult time. These years demonstrated how considerations of national security were to become an integral part of almost every federal policy decision, and how, in most instances, policy was to be administered by civilian agencies with permanent status.
American Fiction, 1774–1920 is comprised of prose fiction written by Americans from the political beginnings of the United States through World War I. It gathers extensive content in one place and allows researchers to explore the development of American literature in a changing culture through novels, short stories, romances, fictitious biographies, travel accounts, and sketches. These texts reveal much about the socioeconomic, political, and religious tenor of America through centuries of radical change, enabling students and researchers to answer key questions about history, society, identity, psychology, race, gender, and culture.
Ancestry Library Edition is a genealogy collection providing access to censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more.
A collection of streaming video titles covering art therapy.
A comprehensive survey of current publications in the fields of visual and applied arts, the Art, Design & Architecture Collection includes ProQuest's specialist indexes ARTbibliographies Modern (covering modern and contemporary art), Design & Applied Arts Index (for all aspects of design and crafts), and International Bibliography of Art (covering scholarship on western art history), together with a complementary collection of current full-text journals from ProQuest's Arts & Humanities Database.
AtoZ World Food covers food culture for 174 countries of the world in six categories: National Cuisine, Regional Cuisine, Daily Meals, Dining Etiquette, Special Occasion Foods, and Food Trivia. Traditional recipes for appetizers, soups, salads, breads, main courses, side dishes, desserts, snacks, and beverages are included.
The Maritime Customs Service of China (1854–1949) compiled and produced publications from 1860 to 1949. These publications fall under six series: Statistical Series, Special Series, Miscellaneous Series, Service Series, Office Series, and Inspectorate Series. This collection incorporates the core of the Statistical Series, including Returns of the Import and Export Trade, 1859-1866; Returns of Trade at the Ports in China Open by Treaty, 1867-1881; Returns of Trade at the Treaty Ports and Trade Report, 1882-1919; Chinese Version of Return of Trade and Reports of Trade (missing 1885); Foreign Trade of China, 1920-1931; The Trade of China, 1932-1948 (bilingual); Decennial Reports on the Trade, Industries, etc, of the Ports Open to Foreign Commerce, and on the Condition and Development of the Treaty Port Provinces.
This series consists of reports, studies, and surveys on various topics of interest to the Department of State. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies. The topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions. This collection consists of research and intelligence reports prepared during 1941–1947 on Japan.
This series consists of reports, studies, and surveys on various topics of interest to the Department of State. The reports vary from short memorandums to detailed, documented studies. The topics range from individual commodities or countries to the economic and political characteristics of whole regions. This collection consists of research and intelligence reports prepared during 1941–1947 on Korea.
Based on A.G. Ellis’s catalogue of the British Library’s collection, Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library includes examples from over 400 years of books printed in Arabic script as well as translations into European and Asian languages from the period. Together, they demonstrate Europe’s fascination, study, and assimilation of ideas and knowledge originating in the Arabic-speaking world, with its rich heritage of science, poetry, and Islamic texts.
This collection comprises correspondence, studies and reports, cables, maps, and other kinds of documents related to U.S. consular activities. U.S. Consulates were listening posts reporting on the activities of the German colonial governments and later the Japanese mandate authorities, and the activities of the native peoples.
An American sinologist and college professor, Owen Lattimore (1900–1989) traveled extensively and did research throughout China, Manchuria, Mongolia, and Chinese Turkistan. Most of the material in this file relates to Lattimore's leftist sympathies and catalogs how he became a victim of McCarthyism.
The rosters, which are part of the Records of the War Relocation Authority, consist of alphabetical lists of evacuees resident at the relocation centers during the period of their existence. Included for each center are summary tabulations on evacuees resident at the center and on total admissions and departures.
Health Policy Reference Center is a full-text database covering all aspects of health policy and related issues. It supports decision-making, planning and research in a variety of health care system areas.
Trial ends: May 15, 2025.
Includes access to the Henry Stewart Business and Management Journal Collection. Please send feedback on the trial to Access is also available via Ingenta at Henry Stewart Business and Management Journal Collection.
The rebuilding of postwar Japan and southern Korea by Allied occupation forces is described here in a series of thirty-six monthly reports. The reports offer detailed information on industrial reparations; conversion of production from military to consumer goods; land reform; restructuring of educational, public health, and welfare programs; and the establishment of a liberal, democratic political system.
The U.S. State Department Central Classified Files are the definitive source of American diplomatic reporting on political, military, social, and economic developments throughout the world in the twentieth century.
This collection is sourced from the U.S. National Archives and includes records of the Japan-U.S. Economic Relations Group—informally known as the "Wise Men." This small group of distinguished persons drawn from private life would submit recommendations to President Jimmy Carter and Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira for maintaining a healthy bilateral economic relationship between the United States and Japan.
This archive reproduces microfilm of the U.S. Department of State Decimal Files 611.94 and 6194.11. The documents trace the commercial relations between the United States and Japan over the course of almost half a century. The files are predominantly instructions to—and dispatches from—diplomatic and consular officials.
This archive reproduces microfilm of the U.S. Department of State Decimal File 494. The documents trace the commercial relations between the United States and Japan over the course of almost half a century. The files are predominantly instructions to—and dispatches from—diplomatic and consular officials, which are often accompanied by enclosures.
The documents in this collection are predominantly instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions in Japan. Contained here are U.S. Department of State Decimal Files 794, 894, and 994.
The documents in this collection are predominantly instructions to and dispatches from U.S. diplomatic and consular staff regarding political, economic, military, social, and other internal conditions in Japan. Contained here are U.S. Department of State Decimal Files 794, 894, and 994.
This archive charts a key decade in U.S.-Japanese relations. It is is one of three digital collections based on the microfilm title Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to United States Political Relations with Japan, 1930–1954. The source material contains Decimal File 711.94.
This archive charts a key decade in U.S.-Japanese relations. It is is one of three digital collections based on the microfilm title Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to United States Political Relations with Japan, 1930–1954. The source material contains Decimal File 711.94.
This archive charts a key decade in U.S.-Japanese relations. It is is one of three digital collections based on the microfilm title Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to United States Political Relations with Japan, 1930–1954. The source material contains Decimal File 711.94.
Diplomatic correspondences include those of U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and discussions of U.S.-Japanese policies in the Pacific and East Asia (June 1957). Commercial documents include, for example, Pacific Ocean Fisheries Convention between the United States, Canada, and Japan (1950); finding of "radioactive radiation in the fisherman, fish and boat affected by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb at Bikini" (March 1954); and records of Philippine tourists to Japan 1953–1956.
This collection is sourced from the U.S. National Archives and covers the activities of the U.S. Naval Technical Mission to Japan. The purpose of the mission was to survey Japanese scientific and technological developments of interest to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in the Japanese islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu, Hokkaido; China; and parts of Korea.
This publication consists of the documents from The Papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Small Collections, “Japanese American Internment Collections,” in the custody of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.
This archive documents Korea under Japanese occupation through the postwar period and includes documents from the U.S. Department of State, Division of Far Eastern Affairs, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
This collection reproduces the Tagebuch or journal of Dr. Hans Frank (1900-1946), the Governor-General of German-occupied Poland from October 1939 until early 1945.
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers provides an as-it-happened window on events, culture, and daily life in nineteenth-century America that is of interest to both professional and general researchers.
Dr. Norman Bethune (白求恩; 1890–1939), was a Canadian thoracic surgeon and dedicated Communist who helped the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War and later went to China to help the Red Army. He was lionized by Mao Zedong for his selfless dedication to others. The Norman Bethune Papers consists of letter correspondences, newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and research materials selected from several sub-collections including Norman Bethune Collection, Bethune Foundation Fonds, Roderick Stewart Fonds, Louis and Irene Kon Fonds, and Maurice McGregor Fonds.
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication is overseen by Jon Nussbaum, The Pennsylvania State University, and an editorial board of subject experts, ensuring a comprehensive, encyclopedic map of the field. All articles are written and peer reviewed by certified experts of the topic.
The documents in this collection are sourced from the Central Files of the General Records of the Department of State. This resource offers insight into a range of subjects including the politics, laws, military, economy, industry, natural resources, public works, and media of Palestine and Israel.
The Arthur M. Guttery collection contains sermons, religious addresses, essays on China, correspondence, and memoirs of YMCA workers in China.
The collection comprises papers of Jay C. and Lucile C. Oliver, including family and professional correspondence, personal and travel diaries, and official records of the YMCA and the Salt Inspectorate in China.
This collection consists of the papers of American missionary families who had spent years in China and India.
This collection compiles 12 subcollections of papers of American missionaries associated with Fujian and Taiwan in southeastern China, including their diaries, letters, newsletters, sermons, photographs, and manuscripts. The records chronicle daily life of their respective provinces, as well as administrative matters with churches back home in the United States.
This is a combined collection of the papers of four American missionary family and individuals who had spent years in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran between 1914 and 1975.
This is a collection featuring the papers of two American missionary families to the Philippines.
This collection comprises papers of the Ashmore family covering their time in China, Thailand, and Japan.
This collection consists of the testimony and documents from more than 750 witnesses: Japanese Americans and Aleuts who had lived through the events of WWII, former government officials who ran the internment program, public figures, internees, organizations such as the Japanese American Citizens League, interested citizens, historians, and other professionals who had studied the subjects of the Commission's inquiry.
The records in this collection relate to political relations between China and Japan for the period 1930–1939 and include dispatches from diplomatic and consular officials, notes between the U.S. Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, and memorandums prepared by officials of the Department.
All the activities of the multinational Far Eastern Commission (FEC), which oversaw the postwar governing and reconstruction of Japan, are fully documented in this collection.
This collection of U.S. Information Service collections on the Civil War period provides a unique opportunity to understand immediate post-World War II Chinese history, comparative revolution, and early Cold War history. This combination of smaller press collections weave together the strands of military, social, political, and free world history and includes an analysis of how the Chinese Communist Party achieved victory in the Chinese civil war.
This collection consists of inter and intradepartmental memorandums, reports, position papers, summaries, maps, photographs, and dispatches (from US Foreign Service officers and military personnel) relating to the internal political affairs of China and United States foreign policy toward China.
Rock's Backpages is the largest archive of music journalism online, featuring almost 50,000 articles on thousands of artists from Aaliyah to ZZ Top.
Scite, an AI-powered citation analysis tool, allows researchers to discover scientific literature and comprehend research findings more efficiently. By displaying the context of citations and indicating whether they provide supporting or contrasting evidence, Scite helps researchers understand how cited articles relate to the citing text. FSU Libraries provides a 1-year pilot subscription to Scite until March 6, 2026.
The Southern Literary Messenger was in its time the South's most important literary periodical. Scholars and students of history, journalism, and literature can discern much about how the hot-button topics of slavery and secession were presented in southern intellectual and literary culture in the early stages of the Civil War.
World Shakespeare Bibliography Online provides annotated entries for all important books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audiovisual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1960 and the present. The scope is international, with coverage extending to more than 120 languages and representing every country in North America, South America, and Europe, and nearly every country in Asia, Africa, and Australasia.
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