1. Consult business literature and databases for the organizational behaviors, corporate communication, and corporate social responsibilities related aspects of PR.
The Library of Congress (LC) Classification for call numbers represent the subject of the book. The majority of the "public relations" books are located on the 3rd floor at Strozier. Addtional materials, such as reference books and documents will be found on the ground floor.
News Databases
Log into NewsBank and create an account to save your search history, save articles, save searches, and create Email alerts.
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Please note that FSU does not having a data-mining subscription with Newsbank. Downloading entire series or papers is prohibited.
Abbreviation: awn
Vendor: NewsBank
Coverage: 1903–Current
Subjects: Communication, Hospitality
Type: Newspapers and Newswires
PR Databases
Abbreviation: ibisworld
Vendor: IBISWorld
Subjects: Business, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Marketing
Type: Reports
Industries covered include:
Consumer Electronics
Digital Media
Financial Services
Health & Wellness
Personal Care
Sport & Entertainment Travel & Tourism
Interactive Databook Training (10:39)
A 10-minute tutorial video on how to navigate Interactive Databook, how to explore demographics, and customize your own consumer data report.
Abbreviation: mintel
Vendor: Mintel International Group
Coverage: 2001–Current
Subjects: Business, Communication, Hospitality, Marketing
Type: Datasets / Statistics, Reports
Abbreviation: cmmc
Vendor: EBSCO
Subjects: Communication, Communication Disorders, Marketing
Type: E-Journal Collections
Abbreviation: bscomp
Vendor: EBSCO
Coverage: 1886–Current
Subjects: Business, Business Legal Studies, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Insurance, Management & Strategy, Marketing, Real Estate, Retail Entrepreneurship, Sport Management, Urban and Regional Planning
Type: Datasets / Statistics, E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections, Encyclopedias & Dictionaries, Proceedings, Reports
Journals and Trade Magazines
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