How to Read a Journal Article - Tips and tricks to make reading and understanding social science journal articles easier.
A Guide to Interpreting SPSS Output - How to interpret frequency distributions, crosstabulations, comparison of means tests, correlations, and OLS regressions done in SPSS. Used in teaching undergraduate Introduction to Statistics course.
Citing Data - Citing data is as important as citing literature used in a paper. This is a discussion of why it is important and how to properly cite data.
Data Management Plans - Guidelines for effective data management, most useful for graduate students and faculty beginning research projects for the first time. Information given responds to the requirements of federal funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation.
ICPSR is a great database to use for teaching data literacy to undergraduate students of all levels. The “TEACHING & LEARNING” tab provides an overview of the various exercises and guides available to those teaching with ICPSR and data more generally.
“Data-Driven Learning Guides” offer exercises that use online data analysis to teach social science concepts by guiding students through a series of questions and related data analyses. Analyses are preset so students can focus on content rather than mechanics of data analysis. To assist instructors with selection, guides are also categorized by the most sophisticated statistical test presented in the exercise. Librarians or course instructors can request class access to a guide for use in class assignments, which can be easier than requesting that every student sign up for an account. There are also “Exercise Modules” that provide more complex, sequential exercises and provide basic statistical literacy.
The “RESOURCES FOR TEACHERS” section has an incredible and growing list of websites, free online courses, webinars, assignments, data literacy lectures, and more to teach about data in the classroom.
The "RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS" section offers a selection of helpful guides for navigating research literature and concepts.
All resources are provided under a Creative Commons (attribution) License.
The ICPSR YouTube Channel presents Webinars and tutorials on accessing and using ICPSR resources. The Webinars cover a variety of topics, including finding what you want on the ICPSR website, analyzing ICPSR data online, creating setup files for SPSS, debugging SAS, SPSS, and Stata code, etc.
The Summer Program provides a comprehensive, integrated program of studies, statistics, data analysis, and social science methodology. Its instructional environment stresses integration of methods of quantitative analysis within a broader context of substantive social research. The Summer Program takes place from early June to late August and most classes are held at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
The ICPSR Research Paper Competition is an annual event open to undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates. The competition seeks to highlight exemplary student research papers based on quantitative analysis of ICPSR data. Awards include cash prizes and publication in the ICPSR Bulletin for first-place winners and on the ICPSR website for all winners.
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