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IDS 2104 Foundation of Research and Inquiry

This LibGuide accompanies Professor Claudia Anderson's Spring 2025 IDS 2104 Foundation of Research and Inquiry Class, providing instruction dates for Library instruction and resources to assist students

Getting Started at FSU Libraries

Getting Started at FSU Libraries Guide: "This guide will introduce you to FSU Libraries' resources and services, and provide useful information about how to perform research in a university environment."

Online Resources


Discover resources with FSU Libraries' one-stop search tool: search using natural language for articles, books, streaming video, databases and more. This tool searches our local FSU collections as well as our online resources. View these brief online tutorials to search for peer-reviewed articles and advanced searching.

When the resource you need is not available:

UBorrow:  For print books not available to borrow from the library whether they are not found, already checked out or lost, etc. Use OneSearch and "Statewide Catalog" to find your book from one of the state universities in Florida or if are searching for a book in OneSearch, click on the UBorrow tab.

Interlibrary Loan:

Interlibrary Loan is a Library-to-Library lending/borrowing service. If you cannot find something in OneSearch or using UBorrow, try searching the expanded Resource Sharing catalog.  Set up what is called a "ILLiad" account when you first log in.

In OneSearch turn on "Expand my results," or click on "request through Interlibrary loan":


At the top of the OneSearch screen you will see an ILL Request option:

Other resources that are good starting points

The Florida State University Libraries

© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706