Acts of the Parliament of Scotland
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series (1613-1783)
Acts of the Privy Council of England, 1542-1628
Aldeburgh Corporation Letter Book, 1625-1663
Ancient Correspondence, 1175-1538
Ancient Laws of Ireland, and The Statutes at Large
Aristocracy, the State, and the Local Community: From the Huntington Library
Bacon, Anthony Papers of, Lambeth Palace Library
Ballard Collection, 1650-1750
Baxter Manuscripts
Blenheim Papers
Bodleian Library, Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of, Correspondence of, 1621-1679
Braye Manuscripts from the House of Lords Record Office
British Manuscripts Project
Calendar of Assize Records: Home Circuit Indictments, Elizabeth I and James I
Calendar of Assize Records, James I
Calendar of Assize Records: Kent Indictments
Calendar of British Historical Manuscripts in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, NY, 1664-1776
Calendar of Documents Preserved in France, Illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland
Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, 16 vols.
Calendar of Letter-Books . . . Corporation of the City of London
Calendar of Letters and State Papers . . . Archives of Simancas, 1558-1603
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Anne
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Charles II
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Commonwealth
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Edward VI
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Edward VI to James I
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Elizabeth I
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James II
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, William III and Mary II
Calendar of State Papers, Foreign, Edward VI
Calendar of State Papers, Foreign, Elizabeth I
Calendar of State Papers, Foreign, Mary I
Calendar of State Papers, Charles I, 1625-1659, 4 vols.
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 11 vols.
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, James I, 5 vols.
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, 1625-1670
Calendar of State Papers, Ireland, James I
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland, 1547-1603, 13 vols.
Calendar of State Papers, Scotland, Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 2 vols.
Calendar of State Papers, Spanish
Calendar of State Papers, Venetian
Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts, 1515-1624
Calendar of the Charter Rolls, vol. 6: Henry VI to Henry VIII
Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers
Calendar of the Correspondence of Richard Baxter, 2 vols.
Calendar of the Inner Temple Records
Calendar of the Patent Rolls
Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for the Advance of Money, 1642-1656
Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Compounding, 1643-1660, 5 vols.
Calendar of the Shrewsbury and Talbot Papers in Lambeth Palace Library and the College of Arms
Calendar of Treasury Books, 1660-1718, 32 vols. in 63
Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1556-1728, 6 vols.
Camden Society Publications
Committee for Compounding with Delinquents, 1643-1660, 5 vols.
Debates of the House of Commons from the Year 1667 to the Year 1694, 10 vols. [Grey's Debates]
Decisions of the Court of Session of Scotland
Early English Books (to 1640)
Early English Books (1640-1700)
Early English Newspapers
Elizabethan Ireland and the Settlement of Ulster: Carew Papers, Lambeth Palace Library
English Cartoons and Satirical Prints, 1320-1832
English Historical Documents
Episcopal Registers
From the Reformation to the Puritan Revolution: Papers of the
High Commission, c. 1560-1641
Fulham Papers, Lambeth Palace (1626-1800; letters from Episcopalians in the American colonies to the Bishop of London)
Goldsmith's-Kress Library of Economic Literature
Harleian Manuscripts
Harleian Miscellany
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Reports
Journals of the House of Commons
Journals of the House of Lords
Justice and Authority in England, c. 1540-c. 1800: Series 1, Cheshire
King James I of England to King Christian IV of Denmark: Royal Correspondence, 1603-1625
Lansdowne Manuscripts, British Library
Lincoln Cathedral Library Music Collection, 17th-19th Centuries
London Gazette
Making of Modern London: Repertories of the Court of Aldermen (Corporation of London Record Office), 1495-1692
Manuscript Papers of British Scientists, 1600-1940
Mary, Queen of Scots, Letters and Papers Relating to
Papers of the Christian Faith Society, Lambeth Palace (1642-1972; New World missionary work)
Parker Society Publications
Parliamentary History, Part 1: Manuscript Minutes, Committee Books & Voting Records of the House of Lords, 1620-c. 1714
Parliamentary Returns, 1213-1874
Prior, Matthew, Papers of, 1685-1721
Privy Council Registers, 1631-1637
Privy Council Registers Preserved in the PRO
Proceedings in the Court of Star Chamber
Proceedings in the Parliaments of Elizabeth I, 1558-1581
Quaker Manuscripts Collection
Ralph, James, The History of England During the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and George the First (copy of 1746 edition)
Rawlinson Manuscript Collection, Bodleian
Records of an English Village: Earls Colne, 1400-1750
Records of a Scottish Village, Lasswade, 1650-1750
Records of the Church of England During the Commonwealth Period (1643-1661)
Registers of the Archbishops of Canterbury: 13th-17th Centuries, Lambeth Palace Library
Register of the Scottish Privy Council
Renaissance Commonplace Books from the Huntington Library
Researching British Probates, 1354-1858
Seymour Papers (Earls of Hertford & Dukes of Somerset)
Shrewsbury Papers, Lambeth Palace Library
Sir William Clarke Manuscripts, 1640-1664
Sloane Manuscripts (Papers of Sir Hans Sloane, 1660-1753)
Somers Tracts, 13 vols.
Star Chamber and English Society in the Reign of James I
State Papers: Calendars
State Papers, Domestic
State Papers, Foreign
State Papers, Negotiations Between England and Spain, 1485-1558
Statutes of the Realm
Stuart Papers, Chiddingstone Castle, Kent (c. 1550-1900)
Stuart Papers, Windsor Castle
Talbot Papers
Tanner Manuscripts, Bodleian
Thomason Tracts, British Library
Thynne Papers
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Unpublished Records of the Established Church of England, 1540-1720 (Lambeth Palace)
Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford, Papers of (Sheffield City Libraries)
Winchester College (Warden and Fellows' Library), 700-1600
York Court of High Commission, c. 1560-1641
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