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Federal Legislation

About Hearings

Hearings, usually open to the public, are meetings or sessions of a Senate, House, joint, or special committee of Congress that are conducted to hear testimony and views of various persons or organizations to help Committee members make decisions about proposed legislation. Hearings usually include written and oral statements of witnesses, transcripts of the question and answer sessions, reports and materials submitted by witnesses, and other appropriate informational material. 

In 1983 (98th Congress) the Senate began a numbering system for hearings still in use today, but the House does not have any type of numbering system for hearings.

The Senate provides a List of Committee Histories Our Library has many of these titles and can be found by searching the titles in our online catalog.

Locating Congressional Hearings

Strozier Library does not have print editions of Congressional Hearings from the 91st (1969-1970) Congress to the 106th (1999-2000) Congress. These years (and others) are digitized in the LexisNexis Database. See the entry below for this database.

The Documents Collection, on the ground floor of Strozier Library, has many print and microfiche copies of congressional hearings. Unfortunately, not all are cataloged. To locate the cataloged copies, do an advanced search in the Libraries' online catalog. You can search for the word "hearing' and limit the search by Strozier,documents in the location field.

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