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Resources for Music History (MUH 3211)

Resources for Music History: Antiquity through the Baroque course

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Using RILM

RILM Abstracts indexes international journals, books, essays, dissertations and topics in music. You may want to limit your search results to English language publications and also to articles. You can limit at the first search screen or at the results screen. Let's start with a search for Monteverdi and opera:

Here's a results screen for a search on "monteverdi" and "opera." Who wants to wade through 833 entries?  Look at the options to refine or limit the search circled in red. Show more will provide more options.

Be sure to use the Find it @ FSU link to see if the item is available online. Sometimes you may need to copy and paste the journal or book title and try searching in the library catalog if your search for the online version is not successful. 

Let's make a few prudent choices -- limiting the language to English can be helpful, as can limiting the result set to articles (versus entire books, dissertations, etc.).

Now you have a smaller result set to review.  You can also add words such as titles of operas or terms to further narrow your search.

Head, Warren D. Allen Music Library

Profile Photo
Laura Gayle Green
Allen Music Library
College of Music, FSU
122 N. Copeland St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Website Skype Contact: lauragayle
Subjects: Music
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