In conjunction with the FSU John Cage Symposium, this guide provides information on FSU resources and beyond about John Cage and those influenced by Cage.
Google Scholar can be a useful searching tool, particularly when it checks against the electronic full text holdings at FSU. This link requires you to log in with your FSU e-mail information-- but it's worth it!
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service where a student, faculty, or staff of Florida State University may obtain books or obtain photocopies of articles from other institutions.
Great first stop for composer, genre, period, instrument information and more. Article bibliographies get you to the next step in your research. Includes Grove Music and other relevant titles.
includes Grove Dictionary of American Music, 2nd ed., Grove Opera, and more
Please note: Oxford Reference only allows access for 5 FSU users at one time. If you are being asked for a username and password, please try to access the database later.
Subjects: Archaeology Art & Architecture Bilingual dictionaries Classical studies Encyclopedias English Dictionaries and Thesauri History Language reference Law Linguistics Literature Media studies Medicine and health Music Names studies Performing arts Philosophy Quotations Religion Science and technology Social sciences Society and culture