Textbook Adopted for SPC 1017
Open Textbook: free eTextbook
Please note that this is not the textbook adopted for SPC 1017 or SPC 2608. Use this source for your own learning.
Popular Books
[ Political ]
To find speeches about civil rights that have been made into books, do the following in OneSearch:
1. Click on the "Advanced Search" mode.
2. In the search bar, type "Speeches, Address, etc" and add any other keywords you want to include.
3. Under "Material Type," select "Books."
To cite speech transcripts in APA 7 Style, check out:
Conduct a title or keyword search at the Advanced Search mode of the FSU's OneSearch. If you want to explore books about the topic, use the Subjects search, using the following subject headings:
To locate scholarly articles about public speaking and its associated subject matter, conduct a keyword search within academic databases such as:
Or, if you're interested in a certain journal or want to check out what's there, you can search for the title of the journal.
1. The following journals are available through the Libraries:
Argumentation and Advocacy (formerly known as "Journal of the American Forensic Association")
Communication Monographs
Discourse & Society: An International Journal for the Study of Discourse and Communication in their Social, Political and Cultural Contexts
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Philosophy and Rhetoric
Quarterly Journal of Speech
Text and Performance Quarterly
Vital Speeches of the Day
2. Run a title search at Journal Search through OneSearch
3. Select one of the databases to access the full text of the journal on the search results page
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