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*Modern Languages

This research guide points to resources relevant to the study of languages taught by professors in FSU's Department of Modern Languages (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish).

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Effective Searches

Using the correct terminology helps to find quicker, and more effective results. To find the best information, make sure to implement the Boolean search terms: AND, OR, and NOT. Additionally, make use of quotation marks and asterisks to help maximize your search results!

"Using AND/OR/NOT (Boolean Search Operators)" infographic: "Use AND to focus search and combine different aspects of your topic. Example: vegetarianism and environment"; "Use OR to expand your search and find synonyms/related terms. Example: global warming or climate change"; "Use NOT to exclude a word or phrase from your search. Example: emissions trading not United States"

Quotation Marks

Place quotation marks around your phrases to make sure that the search engine locates the complete phrase, and not the individual words.

For example:

Example Academic Search Complete search for "john smith" without quotations

will find information on all people named "John," and all people named "Smith."



Example Academic Search Complete search for "'john smith'" in quotations

will only give you results for people named "John Smith."

***The Asterisk***

An asterisk acts as any combination of letters that follow the preceding word.

For example:

Academic Search Complete search for "writ*" with asterisk

Gives you all words that start with writ!

This includes: write, writing, and written.

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