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Scientific Computing

A research guide for Scientific Computing

Current Research Being Done at FSU

Computer Science is housed in the the FSU College of Arts & Sciences. Some of the Research areas include: Algorithms and Theory of Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Architecture and Operating Systems and many more. To find out more about Research going on visit the Department of Scientific Computing Research Page.

Common Careers in your Major

A great place to start your search would with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 

Common jobs in Scientific Computing:

There are many more jobs and even further specializations that you can do with your degree. Talk to Faculty and Staff within your department for ideas and further questions you may have. 

Wanting to go to Graduate School?

If you are thinking of going to FSU's graduate school look up the individual requirements:

FSU Office of Admission

FSU Department of Scientific Computing Graduate Overview

Library Resources

FSU Libraries has many resources dedicated to meet as many student and faculty needs throughout their academic career. A few are listed below but more can be found on our website

  • Course Reserves: Textbooks that are set aside by professors in conjunction with their departments, SGA, and the libraries for students to check out.
  • Equipment and Software: Software, Technology, and office supplies that are needed to accomplish your academic goals. Some of these include DSLR Cameras, laptops, projectors. Software can include Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft products, SPSS, MatLab, and more.
  • Study Rooms: Different spaces that can be checked out to Students, Faculty, and Staff.
  • Tutoring: Available in both Strozier and Dirac Libraries are available. The tutoring schedule is located on our website.
  • Workshops: Notable workshops include: Introduction to Python, Patent Searching, Avoiding Viral Misinformation, and Tools & Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism.

Standardized Tests

Are you looking to eventually go back to school? Here are some standardized tests taken by people in the STEM Field.


Current News in Scientific Computing

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