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Human Rights

Guide to resources for research in Human Rights issues.

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More U.S. government documentation related to international issues is accessible through links on the U.S. Government LibGuide

Selected Government Websites

Government Documents

U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings. STROZIER Documents Y4.F76/2:

U.S. Congress. Committee on International Relations. Hearings. STROZIER Documents Y4. In8/16:

US Department of State. American foreign policy: Basic documents, 1950-1955. STROZIER Documents S1.71: 117/v.1-2

US Department of State. Press Releases. STROZIER Documents S1.25:1929-37 (some gaps)

US Department of State. Department of State Bulletin. STROZIER Documents S1.3/5: (Continues as US Department of State Dispatch, which is also available online and therefore included below under Electronic Resources)

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices STROZIER Documents Doc Y4.IN8/16-15:
These reports are submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress. The reports contain internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Country Reports on Terrorism STROZIER, Documents General Collection -- S1.138:  with earlier reports in microfiche under the same call number. The print reports are under the earlier title, Patterns of Global Terrorism and have an earlier archive than the website.

US Department of State.  Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers. FSU LIbraries also holds in print: STROZIER Documents Doc S1.1
This series, produced by the State Department, publishes documentation of major U.S. diplomatic and foreign policy events and processes. Included documentation comes from Presidential libraries, the Departments of State and Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Agency for International Development, and other foreign affairs agencies as well as the private papers of individuals involved in formulating U.S. foreign policy. The series began in 1861. Volumes are divided into ranges of years which are further divided into volumes organized by subject or region. Recent volumes (since the Truman administration) are also available online through the US Department of State.  Digitized versions of all copies are available in the Hein Online database, which FSU subscribes to or FRUS, maintained by the University of Wisconsin. The National Archives site has a chart called Foreign Relations of the U.S. (FRUS)-- Serial Set Correlation List which might be useful.

The Emerging Nation: A Documentary History of the Foerign Relations of the United States under the Articles of Confederation, 1780-1789.STROZIER, Documents  -- AE1.114/3: N21/ v. 1-3. Traces the battles of our early leaders, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson and others in their efforts to establish a credible international presence for our new nation. Contains documentary meterials from the National Archives, the Library of Congress, libraries, universities, historical societies and other European repositories.

Legislation on Foreign Relations through... Committee on Foreign Relations and Committee on Foreign Affairs. Contains laws, treaties and related material. Also available in STROZIER Documents Y4.F76/2-10: with volumes back to 1957. Most recently published annually in 5 volumes.

Significant Incidents of Political Violence Aganist Americans STROZIER, Documents General Collection -- S1.138/2: 

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments Earlier years available in print in STROZIER Documents PREX3.11/2:

US Department of State.  US Department of State Dispatch.  [Available in print in STROZIER Documents S1.3/5: Continues from the previous title Department of State Bulletin]

United States Participation in the United Nations Also available in STROZIER, Documents General Collection -- S1.70/8:

Voting Practices in the United Nations Also available in STROZIER, Documents General Collection -- S1.1/8:  as Report to Congress on voting practices in the United Nations.

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