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Music Therapy

Music Ed/Music Therapy Quick Links

Frequently Used Resources (in order of relevance)

Top Resources for YOU!

Looking for articles on music therapy topics? These databases will help you find them:

  • PsycInfo indexes articles in psychology, but also related fields such as music therapy.  You can use the "Methodology" option under "limit your results" to search for articles using specific kinds of research methodolgies (e.g. empirical, literature review, qualitative, quantitative). 
  • Medline indexes articles in medicine and psychology, but also related fields such as music therapy.

Each of these resources indexes the major journals in music therapy!

Top music therapy journals -- full text links

More journal titles are available too; here's an FSU library catalog search for music therapy periodicals.

Searching tips

Remember these intersecting circles from High School Geometry? They're BACK! It's a Venn Diagram. Think about the words you search as being in a Venn Diagram. That can help you form effective searches in library resources (pssst, and Google too!).

See the capitalized words (AND, OR, AND NOT)? These are called Boolean operators. In resources like the library databases, the library catalog, and Google, you can use those words to narrow or broaden your search.

Here are a few searches you may want to try:

music AND secondary NOT primary

music AND therapy NOT adults


  • Use the double quotes to search your words as a phrase: "music education" instead of music AND education. (If you don't believe me, try it!)
  • Use the * (that's shift-8) to help with endings on your words.  For example:  sing* will bring up items with the words sing, sings, singing, etc.

Head, Warren D. Allen Music Library

Profile Photo
Laura Gayle Green
Allen Music Library
College of Music, FSU
122 N. Copeland St.
Tallahassee, FL 32306
Website Skype Contact: lauragayle
Subjects: Music
The Florida State University Libraries

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