When reading an article or even researching an idea or topic, contextualizing the article or topic becomes critical. How can you do this?
FSU Library Catalog system search for Prof. Gregory Springer
If we choose the first icon, we get a list of works citing Royston and Springer's 2017 article.
Here's an example from the Sage Publications page for this journal article
Choose Metrics and citations to get more information about this article; you can choose Web of Science to start a search for this article in that resource. Notice the number of citations differ between the library catalog search and Sage's metrics!
Web of Science is the original resource for researching citation chaining. It was previously known as the Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index. I think of this resource as the Janus for scholarship -- constantly looking to the future and the past at the same moment.
In this example, 7 results are cited for this same article.
What about Google Scholar?
Google Scholar lists an impressive 19 citations. Some of the citations may be listed several times; but it's still worth a look.
Research Rabbit is a relatively new tool, and as its name implies, you can go down many rabbit holes of thought. This tool is better suited to the article literature than books, and if nothing else, it's a fun way to explore an idea or topic. Before you jump in, I strongly suggest setting a timer! Research Rabbit has a Zotero integration, which can both facilitate research and create a too-long-to-ever-digest-much-less-read library.
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