Iter bibliography addresses many aspects of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, such as archaeology, art, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion, and science, covering the years 400–1700. It provides citations for books, journals, and essays.
Abbreviation: iter
Vendor: Iter, University of Toronto Libraries
Coverage: 1784–Current
Subjects: History, Literature, Religion, Women's and Gender Studies
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. This database abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences. Documents indexed include journal articles, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations and working papers.
Subject coverage:
Anthropological linguistics
Applied linguistics
Descriptive linguistics
Discourse analysis
Language - pathological and normal
Learning disabilities
Nonverbal communication
Abbreviation: llba
Vendor: ProQuest
Coverage: 1973–Current
Subjects: Anthropology, Asian Studies, Communication, Communication Disorders, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Linguistics, Middle Eastern Studies, Rhetoric & Composition, Russian & Eastern European Studies, Teacher Education
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Bibliographic database of scholarly literature in the psychological, social, behavioral, and health sciences APA PsycInfo covers journals, books, reviews, and dissertations.
Topics include:
Biological and Developmental Processes
Behavioral Neuroscience
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement
Developmental Psychology
GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry
Journal of Comparative Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition
Journal of Psychophysiology
Psychology and Aging
Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
International Journal of Play Therapy
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Latina/o Psychology
Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
Psychoanalytic Psychology
Psychological Assessment
Psychological Services
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Psychology of Violence
Schizophrenia Bulletin
Training and Education in Professional Psychology
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology
School Psychology Quarterly
American Psychologist
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie exprimentale
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne
History of Psychology
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
Nordic Psychology
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Methods
Psychological Review
Review of General Psychology
Translational Issues in Psychological Science
Zeitschrift fr Psychologie
Human Resources/Industrial/Organizational/Management
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Journal of Personnel Psychology
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Families, Systems, & Health
Health Psychology
International Journal of Stress Management
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors
Rehabilitation Psychology
Social Psychology and Social Processes
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
Asian American Journal of Psychology
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Latina/o Psychology
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Motivation Science
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
Psychology of Men & Masculinity
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law
Social Psychology
Abbreviation: psyapa
Vendor: American Psychological Association
Coverage: 1894–Current
Subjects: Art Education, Early Childhood Education, Education, Educational Psychology, Exceptional Student Education, Human Development & Family Science, Higher Education, Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies, Medicine, Music Education, Psychology, Sociology, Sport Psychology, Teacher Education
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Iter bibliography addresses many aspects of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, such as archaeology, art, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion, and science, covering the years 400–1700. It provides citations for books, journals, and essays.
Abbreviation: iter
Vendor: Iter, University of Toronto Libraries
Coverage: 1784–Current
Subjects: History, Literature, Religion, Women's and Gender Studies
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
The Arts & Humanities Citation Index is a multidisciplinary database indexing more than 1,100 arts and humanities journals, as well as relevant references from over 6,800 science and social sciences periodicals. Provides multidisciplinary indexing of all fields of arts and humanities, including dance, film, radio and television, language, music and literature.
Web of Science Tutorials
Abbreviation: wokah
Vendor: Clarivate Analytics
Coverage: 1975–Current
Subjects: Architecture, Art Education, Art History, Art Therapy, Arts Administration, Cultural Heritage, Interior Design, Studio Art
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Iter bibliography addresses many aspects of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, such as archaeology, art, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion, and science, covering the years 400–1700. It provides citations for books, journals, and essays.
Abbreviation: iter
Vendor: Iter, University of Toronto Libraries
Coverage: 1784–Current
Subjects: History, Literature, Religion, Women's and Gender Studies
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full-text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 20,000 most-cited authors in the database. Journal ranking studies reveal that Business Source Complete is the overwhelmingly superior database for full-text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full-text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
Abbreviation: bscomp
Vendor: EBSCO
Coverage: 1886–Current
Subjects: Business, Business Legal Studies, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Insurance, Management & Strategy, Marketing, Real Estate, Retail Entrepreneurship, Sport Management, Urban and Regional Planning
Type: Datasets / Statistics, E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections, Encyclopedias & Dictionaries, Proceedings, Reports
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) is the most comprehensive source for theory and research in international affairs. It publishes a wide range of scholarship from 1991 onward that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs. CIAO is also a widely-recognized source for teaching materials including original case studies written by leading international affairs experts, course packs of background readings for history and political science classes, and special features like the analysis of a bin Laden recruitment tape with video. All sections of CIAO are updated monthly.
Abbreviation: ciaonet
Vendor: Columbia University Press
Coverage: 1991–Current
Subjects: Asian Studies, International Affairs, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Political Science, Russian & Eastern European Studies, Urban and Regional Planning
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 9,100 full-text periodicals, including nearly 7,900 peer-reviewed journals. In addition to full text, this database offers indexing and abstracts for more than 13,690 journals and publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
This scholarly collection offers unmatched full-text coverage of information in many areas of academic study including, but not limited to: animal science, anthropology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic & multicultural studies, food science & technology, general science, geography, geology, law, materials science, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, pharmaceutical sciences, physics, psychology, religion & theology, veterinary science, women's studies, zoology and many other fields. Updated daily.
JSTOR is a digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and diverse primary sources. FSU has access to JSTOR’s Archive, Artstor, Primary Sources, and Global Plants collections.
JSTOR on YouTube
How to search (04:20)
Primary Source Collection: 19th-Century British Pamphlets (00:51)
Abbreviation: jstor
Vendor: JSTOR
Coverage: 1665–Current
Subjects: Arts Administration, Art History, *General / Multi-Subject
Type: E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections
Provides access to the full-text of more than 200 scholarly journals published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. Subjects include art, anthropology, classics, culture and society, demographics, economics, folklore, history, language, literature, mathematics, medicine and health, philosophy, politics, religion, science, sociology, etc. Coverage varies according to title (1993).
[* Mirror server if link is not working.]
Abbreviation: muse
Vendor: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Coverage: 1993–Current
Subjects: *General / Multi-Subject
Type: E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections
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