Use this introductory guide to find top resources from FSU Libraries for your Political Science research and contact information for your subject librarian.
Find the primary Political Science guide created by your librarian here.
• CQ Press - Combines well- known government and political titles into a single searchable database.
• ProQuest Congressional Publications - Provides a comprehensive view of congressional action and the behind-the-scenes activity involved in crafting U.S. legislation.
• EBSCOhost - A complete list of all EBSCO academic research databases of peer-reviewed, full text journals that FSU subscribes to.
• ProQuest Databases - Provides millions of documents from thousands of sources, covering all research and subject areas.
• Policy Archive - An innovative digital archive of global nonpartisan public policy research. Collects and disseminates summaries, full texts, videos, reports, briefs, and multimedia materials of Think Tanks, university, gov't, and foundation-funded policy research.
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