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This guide is meant for YSP participants to get to know academic resources and how to access them.

The Research Process

Creating your search

Break down your research question: We must break down research questions because databases cannot break down sentences. 

Example research question: How does the mineral composition of volcanic rock in Icelandic shield volcanoes differ from that of Hawaiian shield volcanoes?

  1. Pick out the important word of your research question. These words provide the foundation of your search terms. 
    • Key Words and phrases: "mineral composition", "volcanic rock" volcanoes, "Icelandic shield", "Hawaiian shield"
  2. How else can you say your keywords and phrases? Think of how you can become more broad and narrow for some search terms.
    • To narrow down "Hawaiian shield volcanoes," I can search for specific volcanoes in the shield, such as Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, and Kohala.
    • "Volcanic rock" can be rephrased as lava, magma, basalt, pumice, rhyolite, etc. 
  3. Connect your search terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)


Venn diagram with overlapping section shaded


Use AND to focus and combine different aspects of your topic. The results list includes only sources that mention both terms.

Example: Icelandic volcanoes AND mineral composition


Venn diagram with both circles and overlapping area shaded

Use OR to expand your search and find synonyms/related terms. The results list includes sources that mention either search term.

Example: Lava OR Magma


Venn diagram with only one circle shaded

Use NOT to exclude a word or phrase from your search. The results list will bring back only sources mentioning the first term and remove any with the second term.

Example: Hawaiian shield volcano, NOT Kohala

Quotation Marks

Place quotation marks around your phrases to make sure that the search engine locates the complete phrase and not the individual words.

For example:

Example Academic Search Complete search for "john smith" without quotation marks

You will find information on all the people named "John" and all the people named "Smith."



Example Academic Search Complete search for "'john smith'" in quotation marks

will only give you results for people named "John Smith."

***The Asterisk***

An asterisk acts as any combination of letters that follow the preceding word.

For example:

Example Academic Search Complete for "writ*"

It gives you all the words that start with writing!

This includes writingwriting, and writing.

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