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This guide is meant for YSP participants to get to know academic resources and how to access them.

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Kelly Grove


Hello Young Scholars! Welcome to FSU Libraries. This guide was created to provide you with support on how to use and access library resources. Many of the following pages can help you understand the world of academic resources, so explore the various pages and check out the different links; you never know what might spark your curiosity. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need help.


OneSearch for all items
You can search for your items with FSU Libraries OneSearch at the center of the library homepage. It is a discovery tool that searches any items in our collections. It’s a great starting point for your research and can be used to narrow down resources with the advanced search function. 

Recommended Databases 

Google Scholar Search

What is Google scholar? Why should I use it?

Google Scholar searches for scholarly materials such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, dissertations, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports. It draws on information from journal publishers, university repositories, and other websites that it has identified as scholarly. Google Scholar includes both full text and citations.

How can I find items in Google Scholar?

Search Google Scholar just as you would search Google. Like a regular Google search, Google Scholar ranks and lists results according to relevancy, with the most relevant ones at the top. Google Scholar rankings include how often the work was cited.

What is this?

"Find it @ FSU" When you see this next to an article you want to read it means we can find the it in an FSU database. Just click on it!

Subject Specific Searching

If you want to search for a specific discipline but do not know where to start, go to the subject guide for that topic! 

There are general guides that cover broad areas of study and others that focus on very specific topics. Explore some of the different guides for inspiration and to learn about different resources. 

The Florida State University Libraries

© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706