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COM 3310 Communication Research Methods

First created on September 9, 2024.

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Kyung Kim
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Communication Research Methods

  • Sage Research Methods Online database
    • Access to research methods books from the Sage publisher, along with video tutorials, case studies, and more 
  • LinkedIn Learning Online Training database
    • Video tutorials on the following topics and more are available:
      • Questionnaire/survey design
      • Survey Monkey 
      • Google Forms  
      • Excel
      • SPSS 
      • NVivo 
      • Tableau (information visualization tool) training 
  • Sage Campus database 
    • Self-paced and instructor-led online courses on research methods, comprising an engaging mix of content, video, interactives, and formative assessments. Register or sign in to your personal account to access Sage Campus.

  • Qualtrics Survey (available > Resources > Qualtrics Survey) 

Journal Articles, Newspaper Articles, Market Research Reports

Journal Articles

Newspaper Articles

Market Research Reports 

How to Judge Credibility of Sources and Find Peer Reviewed Articles

Evaluating the sources you find on a topic is an important part of your research activity. Not all information you find is valid, useful, or accurate. Some questions you need to ask while searching for and reading an information source are:

  • Is the information relevant and valid for my research?
  • Is my topic covered in enough depth that the source will be helpful?
  • Is the content of the source fact, opinion, or propaganda?
  • How current is the information provided? 
  • If for a journal article, is the article peer-reviewed? 

Most article databases and the FSU OneSearch have a filter for peer-reviewed journal articles. 

1. OneSearch 
Peer Reviewed Journal Search Filter at OneSearch

2. Database Search 


Literature Search: Sources and Tips

Use the Boolean Operators and Modifiers to connect your search terms. 

  • Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT
    • AND narrows your search by combining two or more terms
           “rural planning” AND “food desert”
    • OR broadens your search by including either of the terms
           “city planning” OR “urban planning”
    • NOT excludes specific terms from your search
           “environmental disasters” NOT “pollution”
  • Phrase searching: “ “ to find exact matches for a specific sequence of words
                      “smart cities” planning practices
  • Truncation and wildcards: * ? ! to handle spelling variations
                      Affordab* AND housing
  • Nesting search terms: ( ) for a long, complicated search query
                     (“autonomous OR “self-driving” OR robotic OR automated OR unmanned OR “remote-controlled” OR independent) AND (vehicle* OR car*)
  • Field Code search: Search by Title, Abstract, Author, Company, Publication Title, etc.

Quick video tutorials (from McMaster University):

To find research articles that used quantitative research method(s), add the following to your search query and add the keywords of your research. 

quantitative OR statistic* OR experiment* OR test* OR measure* OR survey* OR questionnaire* OR scale* OR inventor* OR checklist* OR instrument* OR pretest* OR posttest* OR interview*

Quantitative research articles about college students and depression:
Quantitative Research Article Search Demonstration at CMMC database

To find research articles that used qualitative research method(s), add the following to your search query and add the keywords of your research. 

qualitative OR interviews OR narratives OR "focus group" OR "content analysis" OR "discourse analysis" OR ethnology OR ethnography OR "field study" OR "participant observation" OR hermeneutics OR phenomenology OR "lived experience" OR  "theoretical sample" OR "thematic analysis" OR "unstructured category" OR "structured category" OR "unstructured interviews" OR "semi-structured interview" OR "action research" OR "mixed methods"

Qualitative or mixed-methods research articles about social media and celebrities or influencers. 
Qualitative Research Article Search Demo at CMMC Database

Data, Statistics, and Scales Search

Library Databases

Public Opinions


FSU Student Statistics

Statistics on College Students


  • You can get some stats on college students from academic journals or news articles (e.g., Chronicle of Higher Education, or Inside Higher Ed). Depending on your research topics, you may search PsycINFO for psychology, ERIC for education, or CINAHL for public health and health communication. 
  • Sometimes, but not always, research articles have the questionnaire they used in the appendix or supplementary materials. 
  • Dissertations and theses are great if you want the full scoop on a research project. They often have survey questionnaires, interview transcripts, and more. 


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