The journal literature in history is divided geographically between two major databases: America: History & Life covers journal articles about the United States and Canada, and Historical Abstracts covers journal literature for world history outside the U.S. and Canada, 1450-present.
There are also databases that specialize in scholarship of a particular geographic region, or an historical time period. Use the tabs above to browse these specialized databases.
JSTOR is a digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and diverse primary sources. FSU has access to JSTOR’s Archive, Artstor, Primary Sources, and Global Plants collections.
JSTOR on YouTube
How to search (04:20)
Primary Source Collection: 19th-Century British Pamphlets (00:51)
Abbreviation: jstor
Vendor: JSTOR
Coverage: 1665–Current
Subjects: Arts Administration, Art History, *General / Multi-Subject
Type: E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections
The following databases index journal articles and other scholarship specific to a geographic region. Select one that best fits your area of study. Keep in mind most of these are interdisciplinary, and thus not limited to the scholarship of historians.
Most databases are organized along disciplinary or geographic lines, but there are a few that focus on a specific time period. Most of these relate to ancient and medieval studies.
L'Annee Philologique is an index of publications related to the history, language, literature and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. It includes periodical articles, articles in book collections, festschriften, dissertations, and conference papers.
Abbreviation: aphi
Vendor: Brepols Publishers
Coverage: 1924–Current
Subjects: Classics, History, Linguistics, Literature
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Iter bibliography addresses many aspects of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, such as archaeology, art, history, literature, music, philosophy, religion, and science, covering the years 400–1700. It provides citations for books, journals, and essays.
Abbreviation: iter
Vendor: Iter, University of Toronto Libraries
Coverage: 1784–Current
Subjects: History, Literature, Religion, Women's and Gender Studies
Type: Indexes / Catalogs
Developed cooperatively with scholars and librarians worldwide, Oxford Bibliographies offers exclusive, authoritative research guides. Oxford Bibliographies combines features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia, giving researchers scholarship across a wide variety of subjects.
African Studies
African American Studies
American Literature
Art History
Atlantic History
Biblical Studies
British and Irish Literature
Childhood Studies
Chinese Studies
Cinema and Media Studies
International Law
International Relations
Islamic Studies
Jewish Studies
Latin American Studies
Literary and Critical Theory
Medieval Studies
Military History
Political Science
Public Health
Renaissance and Reformation
Social Work
Victorian Literature
Abbreviation: oxbib
Vendor: Oxford University Press
Subjects: Religion, Urban and Regional Planning, *General / Multi-Subject, Bibliography
Type: Encyclopedias & Dictionaries, Research Starter
The following online indexes also provide means to search the scholarship on the history of science. Both are open access initiatives, meaning they are free to use for students and scholars around the world. To locate discovered resources, copy and paste the title into the search box on the FSU Libraries homepage.
You can also conduct a much broader search for journal articles from a variety of disciplines and subject areas. Use OneSearch to expand your search beyond the history-specific databases.
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