Now that you have some background information and a list of terms, names, places, or events, use the search terms that you know are associated with the area of study ("landscape history," etc.) to search FSU Libraries' catalog and databases (links below) for books and journal articles that deal with that area of study.
Download or check out a number of resources--I usually shoot for a minimum of 10--that address the area of study from a number of different angles. The goal here is to try and get a representative sample of the studies related to your topic.
Pro Tip: One source does not have to address every aspect of your research topic to be relevant and helpful.
The following tutorial shows how to navigate journal databases and shares strategies for conducting effective and efficient searches. The example in this video is Academic Search Complete, a database we license from the company EBSCO. The History-specific databases Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life are also EBSCO products, so all of the search features will be the same. |
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