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Open Science

A research guide for open science tools and resources

Create an OSF Account

You can create a free OSF account by clicking on the link below, choosing "Institution," and signing in with your FSU Credentials.


Visit the OSF Support page or contact your Open Science Librarian, Kassidy Hof-Mahoney.

What is the Open Science Framework?

Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free and open source project management tool that supports researchers throughout the project lifecycle.

  • As a collaboration tool, OSF helps research teams work on projects privately or make publicly accessible for broad dissemination. 
  • As a workflow system, OSF enables connections to the many products researchers already use, streamlining their process and increasing efficiency.  
  • Researchers can manage files, data, code, and protocols in one centralized location and easily build custom organization for their unique needs.

OSF integrates with the scientist's daily workflow. OSF helps document and archive study designs, materials, and data. OSF facilitates sharing of materials and data within a laboratory or across laboratories. OSF also facilitates transparency of laboratory research and provides a network design that details and credits individual contributions for all aspects of the research process. 


Source: OSF Support

Getting Started

When you're ready to begin your own project here are some links to help you get started:

Open Science Librarian

FSU Collection

FSU is an institutional member of OSF which means that everything FSU researchers publish on OSF is collected in one place. Check out the FSU Collection to see what other researchers at FSU are working on!

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