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Peter Paul Rubens

Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard

Initiated in 1968 by the greatest Rubens authority of the 20th century, Ludwig Burchard, the Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard (CRLB) is an extensive project that catalogs Rubens' complete oeuvre of an estimated 2,500 compositions, numbering around 10,000 works of art. Being that the project is a comprehensive study of Rubens' oeuvre, the CRLB not only catalogs every painting, drawing, and sketch by Rubens, but every print and tapestry produced under Rubens' supervision, as well. Also, each work discussed in the 29 parts of the CRLB is analyzed by specialist authors using their own research, as well as Burchard's extensive documentation and personal archive and all other research conducted since the 1960s. The CRLB ensures enduring insight into and appreciation of Rubens' work, making it the Rubens authority par excellence.

The Rubenianum research institute explains that the CRLB is sponsored by the City of Antwerp and the Rubenianum Fund, and is published under the patronage of Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein and the International Union of Academies. The estimated completion date for the final part is sometime in 2020.

Click here to consult the complete list of the CRLB's titles and access PDFs of digitized volumes. Most of the titles that have not yet been digitized are available in print at The Ringling Art Library (call number: ND 673 .R9 C63). Click here to ask a librarian a question regarding the CRLB, or you may call the Library at (941) 359-5700 ext. 2703.

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