FSU has defined roles and responsibilities for compliance in the Research Data Management and Public Access to Research Publications policies.
Research data management concerns data organization, from its entry to the research cycle through disseminating and archiving valuable results. It aims to ensure reliable verification of results and permits new and innovative research built on existing information.
Additionally, research data management is part of the research process. It aims to make it as efficient as possible to meet the expectations and requirements of the university, research funders, and legislation.
This is the DataONE Data Lifecycle. It identifies the phases research data goes through throughout a typical research project. FSU Libraries staff can provide you with resources and information about managing data throughout this life cycle.
On August 25, 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) updated their U.S. policy guidance in a memorandum, specifying that data and results coming from taxpayer-supported research must be made immediately available and accessible to the public at no cost. OSTP has directed agencies to update their public access policies and data sharing plans as soon as possible to make publications and research funded by taxpayers publicly accessible, without an embargo or cost. Click here to read the full memorandum for more details.
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