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Ancient Texts at FSU Libraries

What is considered an ancient text?

Ancient texts in the Special Collections & Archives of Florida State University Libraries include cuneiform tablets, ostraka, and papyrus fragments created between 3,000 BC and 500 AD. More information about each collection is available by clicking on the tabs to the left of the page.

Materials in these collections are available to the FSU community and general public to see upon request in the Special Collections Research Center reading room.  Researchers can browse and download digital images of selected pre-print materials in the Diginole online repository.

If you have further questions about researcher and instructor access to ancient texts, please contact Special Collections & Archives staff at (850) 644-3271 or

Explore the tabs to the left to learn more about ancient texts in FSU Special Collections & Archives, as well as additional resources for scholars at FSU and beyond.

Ancient Text Resources at FSU Libraries

Instruction Sessions

We invite instructors teaching at all levels in all departments to consider a class visit to Special Collections & Archives during your course. Visits to SCA locations can include any of the following content, directed by you and/or SCA staff:

  • Active learning with objects from Special Collections & Archives
  • Orientation to FSU Libraries Special Collections & Archives
  • Introduction to archival and/or primary source research
  • Custom sessions built around your course goals and objectives

To place a request for a class visit to the Special Collections Research Center or Claude Pepper Library, please use our online form:

To further discuss the possibilities of a Special Collections & Archives class visit, request an appointment for a virtual consultation here:

Special Collections & Archives


Main SCA Website

Email SCA Staff

Visit SCA

FSU Library Catalog
Filter results for SCA by selecting "Library > FSU Special Collections and Archives"

FSU Finding Aid Database

FSU Digital Library

Special Collections & Archives Reading Rooms Hours

Fall 2024

SCA Research Center
110 Strozier Library, Main Floor
(850) 644-3271

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

Claude Pepper Library Reading Room
Claude Pepper Center, 636 W Call St
(850) 644-9217 

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 110am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

The Florida State University Libraries

© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706