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Featured FSU Scholars on Gun Issues
Dr. Gary Kleck's Recommendations
- Kleck, G. (2021). What do CDC’s surveys say about the prevalence of defensive gun use? American Journal of Criminal Justice, 46(3), 401–421.
- Kleck, G. (2021). Research: Guns and crime. In J. C. Barnes & D. R. Forde (Eds.), The encyclopedia of research methods in criminology and criminal justice (pp. 697-703). John Wiley & Sons.
- Kleck, G. (2019). Macro‐level research on the effect of firearms prevalence on suicide rates: A systematic review and new evidence*. Social Science Quarterly, 100(3), 936–950.
- Kleck, G. (2019). Gun control. In M. Deflem (Ed.). The handbook of social control (pp.153-166). John Wiley & Sons.
- Kleck, G., Kovandzic, T., & Bellows, J. (2016). Does gun control reduce violent crime? Criminal Justice Review, 41(4), 488–513.
- "Paper of the Year" awarded by Criminal Justice Review
- Duwe, G. (2007). Mass murder in the United States: A history. McFarland.
- Kleck, G. (1991). Point blank: Guns and violence in America. A. de Gruyter.
- Received the 1993 Michael J. Hindelang Award from the American Society of Criminology
- Anstey, E. C. (1978). Shots in the dark. Garland Pub.
Dr. Dowd-Arrow's Recommendations
- Thrush, G., & Kovaleski, S. F. (2022, Jun 19). Loopholes and Missing Data: The Gaps in the Gun Background Check System. New York Times.
- Hill, T. D., Dowd-Arrow, B., Ellison, C. G., Hale, L., McFarland, M., & Burdette, A. M. (2022). Gun ownership, community stress, and sleep disturbance in America. Sleep Health, 8(2), 161–166.
- Hill, T. D., Wen, M., Ellison, C. G., Wu, G., Dowd-Arrow, B., & Su, D. (2021). Modeling recent gun purchases: A social epidemiology of the pandemic arms race. Preventive Medicine Reports, 24, 101634.
- Ellison, C. G., Dowd-Arrow, B., Burdette, A. M., Gonzalez, P. E., Kelley, M. S., & Froese, P. (2021). Peace through superior firepower: Belief in supernatural evil and attitudes toward gun policy in the United States. Social Science Research, 99, 102595.
- Hill, T. D., Dowd-Arrow, B., Ellison, C. G., Garcia-Alexander, G., Bartkowski, J. P., & Burdette, A. M. (2021). Sexual Dysfunction and Gun Ownership in America: When Hard Data Meet a Limp Theory. American Journal of Men’s Health, 15(5), 155798832110443.
- Hill, T. D., Dowd-Arrow, B., Burdette, A. M., & Hale, L. (2020). Gun ownership and sleep disturbance. Preventive Medicine, 132, 105996.
- Hill, T. D., Dowd‐Arrow, B., Burdette, A. M., & Warner, T. D. (2020). Gun Ownership and Life Satisfaction in the United States. Social Science Quarterly, 101(5), 2121–2136.
- Hill, T. D., Dowd-Arrow, B., Davis, A. P., & Burdette, A. M. (2020). Happiness is a warm gun? Gun ownership and happiness in the United States (1973–2018). SSM - Population Health, 10, 100536.
- Dowd-Arrow, B., Hill, T. D., & Burdette, A. M. (2019). Gun ownership and fear. SSM - Population Health, 8, 100463.