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MAN 5721 Strategy and Business Policy

External Analysis

Readings for the Week

Porter ME. 2007. Understanding Industry Structure. Harvard Business Review Note.

Harvard Business Review is available via EBSCO’s Business Source Complete. HBR Publishing has a strict license agreement which prohibits downloading and direct linking.

  • McDonald, R., & Eisenhardt, K. (2020). The New-Market Conundrum In emerging industries the usual rules of strategy don't apply. Harvard Business Review, 98(3), 75-83.

How to Search for a Particular Article Using ABI/INFORM Complete

MIT Sloan Management Review is available in PDF using ProQuest's ABI/INFORM Collection. Here's how to find the article in ABI/INFORM Complete.

  • Smith, C., Scholz, M., & Williams, J. (2022). Does your business need a human rights strategy? MIT Sloan Management Review, 63(2), 64-72.

This guide will help you analyze case studies. McGraw-Hill includes sections on objectives of case analysis, preparing a case for class discussion, preparing a written case analysis and the Ten Commandments of Case Analysis.

PESTLE Analysis Library Resources Guide

This guide will walk you through databases that will help uncover data for a PESTLE analysis.


PESTLE Strategy Guide provides further guidance on preparing a PESTLE analysis. The PEST Market Analysis Tool (.doc) and the PESTLE Template are useful for setting up your PESTLE template for this class.

The Internet is also a good source of information for PESTLE templates and examples. website has a great overview of the PEST analysis and a .doc Word template or PDF of a sheet to brainstorm data to be collected to perform a PEST or a more extensive PESTEL analysis.

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