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ENT5936: Product Development Colloquium

The Library makes it easy to find peer-reviewed articles with our databases and OneSearch tool, available at no-cost to students, faculty and staff. Look for the 'Peer-Reviewed' filter to limit your results to scholarly sources and watch this tutorial on finding peer-reviewed articles using OneSearch.


A wide assortment of journals for product development across a wide range of disciplines. Please email if you know oof any additional journals that should be added to this list.



American Journal of Sociology




Communication Arts

Creative Review

Design & Culture: the Journal of the Design Studies Forum

Design Issues

Design Management Review

Design Science

Design Studies


Food Chemistry

Food Engineering Reviews

Food Research International

Food Science and Technology International

Food Security

Food Technology and Biotechnology



Human Factors: The Journal of Human Factors

Industrial & Corporate Change

Innovation: The Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America

Interactions magazine

Interior Design 740.4I61 BSC/ABI

International Journal of Design

International Journal of Product Development (IJPD)

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

Journal of Design History

Journal of Design Research

Journal of Food Biochemistry

Journal of Food Science

Journal of Innovation   

Journal of Innovation Management

Journal of Interior Design

Journal of Product & Brand Management

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Lighting Design and Application

MD - Mobel Interior Design



R&D Management

Research Technology Management

She Ji



Urban Studies

Viewpoint Colour    

Virtual Reality

Visible Language 


To locate journals by title, use the Journal Search, which is helpful when browsing for relevant publications or locating specific articles.

Once you find a journal, the journal record will list if it's available in print or electronically, or both. Sometimes the journal will have multiple electronic access points. It's tricky to choose the right access electronically, as sometimes articles will be available in PDF, plain text, or in other formats.

You can find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles using OneSearch tool, or the "Database Search" tab in the Search Options box. Look for the 'Peer-Reviewed' filter to limit your results to scholarly sources and watch this tutorial on finding peer-reviewed articles using OneSearch.

Find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles: We make it easy to find peer-reviewed articles with our databases and OneSearch tool, available at no-cost to students, faculty and staff. Look for the 'Peer-Reviewed' filter to limit your results to scholarly sources and watch this tutorial on finding peer-reviewed articles using OneSearch.

As you look for relevant journals and articles, one method is to look for a recent dissertation on the topic you are interested in. Appropriate journal articles are listed in the "References" section of the dissertation. The most complete, full-text database of dissertations and theses is ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (All records) with over 2 million entries, covering doctoral dissertations and master's theses. Dissertations published from 1980 forward include 350-word abstracts written by the author. Master's theses published from 1988 forward include 150-word abstracts.

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