A collection of Industry Market Research and Industry Risk Ratings. Coverage includes over 700 U.S. industries in over 1100 industry-specific reports. Research reports contain trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, forecasting, and industry growth rates. Performance analysis includes emerging trends, recent production performance and 5-year forecasts. The US Specialized Industry Reports series covers niche industries such as pawn shops, boat insurance companies, air gun manufacturers and circus operators.
Abbreviation: ibisworld
Vendor: IBISWorld
Subjects: Business, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Marketing
Type: Reports
Mintel Reports offers product and industry market research reports covering US and International marketplaces. Each report combines data and analysis of the competitive landscape, supply chain, market-share size and trends, and consumer profiles. Complex demographic issues are broken into easy-to-understand sections, explaining consumer behavior and demonstrating the structure of the market.
Industries covered include:
Consumer Electronics
Digital Media
Financial Services
Health & Wellness
Personal Care
Sport & Entertainment Travel & Tourism
Interactive Databook Training (10:39)
A 10-minute tutorial video on how to navigate Interactive Databook, how to explore demographics, and customize your own consumer data report.
Abbreviation: mintel
Vendor: Mintel International Group
Coverage: 2001–Current
Subjects: Business, Communication, Hospitality, Marketing
Type: Datasets / Statistics, Reports
Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full-text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,200 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 20,000 most-cited authors in the database. Journal ranking studies reveal that Business Source Complete is the overwhelmingly superior database for full-text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full-text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
Abbreviation: bscomp
Vendor: EBSCO
Coverage: 1886–Current
Subjects: Business, Business Legal Studies, Communication, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Hospitality, Insurance, Management & Strategy, Marketing, Real Estate, Retail Entrepreneurship, Sport Management, Urban and Regional Planning
Type: Datasets / Statistics, E-Book Collections, E-Journal Collections, Encyclopedias & Dictionaries, Proceedings, Reports
WGSN (Worth Global Style Network) is the leading online trend-analysis and research service providing creative and business intelligence for the apparel, style, design and retail industries. Keywords: Trade Shows, Marketing, Retail, Celebrity, Buying, Visual, Merchandising, Business.
Note: FSU has access to the Fashion Module.
Abbreviation: wgsntex
Vendor: WGSN
Subjects: Business, Interior Design, Marketing, Retail Entrepreneurship
Type: Datasets / Statistics, Directories, Images, Streaming Audio, Streaming Video
Women's Wear Daily (WWD) delivers fashion and retail news, photography, analysis, in-depth features, profiles, opinions and coverage of the rich social and cultural scene that revolves around the fashion sector.
Note: there is a 5 concurrent user limit.
Abbreviation: wwd
Vendor: Fairchild Publishing, LLC
Coverage: One year before today's date.
Subjects: Business, Marketing, Retail Entrepreneurship
Type: Biographies, Images
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