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EDF 5519: The History of Higher Education

This research guide supports the major research project assigned in EDF 5519.

Visit SCA

Special Collections and Archives spaces

The majority of SCA materials can be viewed in the Special Collections Reading Room located in Room 110 of Strozier Library, on the main floor. Political and World War II collections can be viewed in the Claude Pepper Library, located in the Claude Pepper Center, 636 W Call St.

Many items are located in off-site storage and need to be requested in advance. To place an item request, complete this form and you will receive an email when your item is available on campus: to an external site. 

Reading Room Procedures

Visitors will be asked to fill out a registration form prior to viewing materials. The registration form can be completed online prior to visiting ( or once you arrive. Registration only needs to be completed once every academic year (August-July).

Appointments are also available to ensure materials and equipment are available during the desired time. Appointments can be booked online. Please use the link in the right hand column. 

Once registration is complete, you may request to see materials in the SCA collection. A reference associate can assist you if you are uncertain which specific items you would like to view. 

The materials will be brought to you for your examination. There is no time limit to your visit but we do not serve materials within 15 minutes of closing, so please plan your visit accordingly.

The Reading Room is a quiet area, please take phone calls outside. 

Reading Room Rules

In order to ensure the longevity of our resources, we ask that patrons and researchers abide by the following rules:

  • No items may be checked out of the Reading Room.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the Reading Room.
  • All bags, briefcases, computer cases, and camera cases must be placed in lockers provided in the Reading Room.
  • Use pencils for taking notes; pens, markers, highlighters are not allowed.
  • Cell phones are allowed but should be placed on silent.
  • See staff for requests to photograph, copy, or scan materials.

More information about specific Reading Room policies, such as camera use and copyright of materials, can be found on the SCA Reading Room Guidelines webpage

Reading Room Appointments

Special Collections Research Center
110 Strozier Library, Main Floor
OPEN HOURS -- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11am - 5pm
Request appointment:
(850) 644-3271

Claude Pepper Library 
Claude Pepper Center, 636 W Call St
OPEN HOURS -- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11am - 5pm 
Request appointment:
(850) 644-9217

The Florida State University Libraries

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