Sourced from the British Film Institute (BFI), this collection of documentary, newsreel and feature films reveals the world as seen by Soviet, Chinese, Vietnamese, East European, and Latin American filmmakers. Ranging from the early 20th century to the 1980s, material encapsulates the themes of war, revolution, news, current affairs, culture and society.
Abbreviation: socflm
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History, Film Studies
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Streaming Video
The Vanderbilt Television News Archive began recording broadcasts on August 5, 1968, with the mission to create, preserve and provide access to the news broadcasts from the U.S. national television networks. The database currently includes over a million records, including abstracts at the story level of regular evening newscasts and catalog records for each special news report. Streaming video of NBC material, ranging from August 5, 1968, to the present and CNN broadcasts beginning in 1995 is available. Current material is not available until at least 72 hours after the original broadcast.
Note: Due to copyright considerations, not all VTNA records include online streaming video content. FSU does not have access to the video loan service. Registering for a personal account does not enable additional access.
Abbreviation: vantna
Vendor: Vanderbilt University
Coverage: 1968–Current
Subjects: Communication
Type: Indexes / Catalogs, Streaming Video
Indigenous Newspapers in North America aims to present a diverse and robust collection of print journalism from Indigenous peoples of the US and Canada over more than 9,000 individual editions from 1828–2016.
Abbreviation: aminews
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Coverage: 1828–2016
Subjects: Anthropology, Cultural Heritage, History
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Newspapers and Newswires
American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912–1990 focuses on civil rights, civil liberties, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court. The relevance of the collection to today’s curriculum and to current debates at both national and local levels serve many research needs. American Civil Liberties Union Papers, Part II: Southern Regional Office is comprised of never-before-digitized materials documenting the ACLU’s legal battle to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in thirteen Southern states. This collection is an indispensable resource for understanding the complete history of the civil rights movement. FSU Libraries has access to Parts I and II of this collection.
Abbreviation: aclupap
Vendor: Gale
Coverage: 1912–1990
Subjects: African-American Studies, Communication, History, Law, Political Science
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Reports
Explore the rise of the global human rights movement during the second half of the twentieth century through the International Secretariat records of Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Amnesty International. The material within this collection is vital for studying the history of key political events, global social change, human rights violations and campaigns with themes including abolition of torture, state violence, political prisoners, minority rights, and more.
Abbreviation: aiarch
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History
Type: Historical / Primary Sources
Discover the motives, aspirations, realities and personal hardships for European and Asian migrants during two centuries of global migration. Set against a backdrop of colonial expansion, industrial progress and global conflict, Migration to New Worlds tells the stories of individuals and families who risked everything to build new lives in North American and Australasia between 1800 and 1980.
Abbreviation: mnw
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Coverage: 1800–1924
Subjects: Anthropology, Demography and Population Studies, History
Type: Government Publications, Historical / Primary Sources, Images, Indexes / Catalogs, Maps
Immigrant Students, 1949-1950, Box: 17. Florida State University Office of the President: Doak Campbell Administration Files, HUA 2018-062. FSU Special Collections & Archives.
Hasterlik-Hine collection, Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
The Hasterlik-Hine collection consists personal correspondence between Giulia Kortischoner (married name Hine) and her family and friends. The personal correspondence consists of letters, postcards, get-well-soon cards, greeting cards, and a small number of travel documents. The collection contains discussions about the Holocaust, life as a Jewish refugee, and the progress of the war and life afterwards.
Claude Pepper Papers, Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
Search within the voluminous papers of Senator Claude Pepper with recommended keywords: immigration, naturalization, child adoption, refugee, migrant, immigrant, displaced, asylum, emigration, visa.
Imamura, Kikuko, Folder 21, Box: 78, Folder: 21. Tom Brokaw collection, 01.0171. FSU Special Collections & Archives.
Part of the Tom Brokaw collection, social commentary about racism as a Japanese immigrant after the war who followed her husband to New York City for his career in 1960, discussing the after affects of WWII.
Joil (Saul) Alpern transcript, Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
Alpern, Joil. No One Awaiting Me: Two Brothers Defy Death During The Holocaust In Romania. Calgary: University Of Calgary Press, 2001.
André L. van Assenderp - Immigration-related documents: US Embassy Havana, Cuba, 1948, 037, Container: 14.0022 - Box 2, Folder: 037. André Lauwrensius van Assenderp and Carol Lee Johnson van Assenderp collection, 14.0022. FSU Special Collections & Archives.
Neil Betten collection, Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
This collection was compiled by former Florida State University Department of History professor Neil Betten. It contains 41 copies of Congress Weekly: A Review of Jewish Interests from February 1942 to June 1944. This weekly newsletter was published by the American Jewish Congress, which was headed by Stephen Wise. The newsletter covered topics such as the Warsaw Ghetto, Jewish soldiers in the U.S. military, Palestine, Zionism, and current issues in the United States and overseas affecting Jews. The collection also contains a Ph.D. dissertation by Peggy G. Pelt, "Wainwright Shipyard: Impact of a World War II War Industry in Panama City, Florida." The dissertation contains oral histories that document work and Home Front conditions related to this shipping building company.
Natalia Grauer Rosenbald transcript, Special Collections & Archives, Florida State University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida.
Natalia Grauer Rosenbald's oral history outlines her life growing up in Krakow, Poland and her experiences in the Krakow ghetto, Mauthausen, and Ravensbrück. She speaks about hiding, dog attacks, working in the crematorium sorting clothes, stealing food, the Death March, how the SS tried disguising themselves with the advance of the Allies, liberation, reprisal shootings, finding her family after the war, living in Cyprus, Israel, Australia, and Germanybefore settling in the United States. She concludes her oral history with her experiences talking at schools about the Holocaust, visiting Auschwitz, and her message to the world about the Holocaust.
Miscellaneous Letters, Folder 001, Container: 15.0030 - Box 1, Folder: 001. Grafton W. Johnson papers, 15.0030. FSU Special Collections & Archives.
1934 letter to Doris Hightower from missionary in Kweiteh, China with photos of Chinese women in traditional winter clothing, 1964 correspondence regarding the Graftons’ attempt to adopt a child.
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