Sourced from the private collection of renowned author and documentary film-maker Nasreen Munni Kabir, this resource features unedited interviews with leading Indian film personalities who contributed to the shaping of the ‘Golden Age’ of Hindi cinema and beyond.
Abbreviation: hincin
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History, Film Studies
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Streaming Video
Sourced from the British Film Institute (BFI), this collection of documentary, newsreel and feature films reveals the world as seen by Soviet, Chinese, Vietnamese, East European, and Latin American filmmakers. Ranging from the early 20th century to the 1980s, material encapsulates the themes of war, revolution, news, current affairs, culture and society.
Abbreviation: socflm
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History, Film Studies
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Streaming Video
Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search from the Asahi Shimbun Company is the largest newspaper article database in Japan. It includes 15 million articles and advertisements from more than 135 years of the newspaper, from its first edition in 1879 Meiji 12) to today. The database also contains articles from the magazines 'AERA' and 'Shukan Asahi', a Historical Photo Archive database of approximately 10 thousand photographic records mostly taken in Asia during the World War II period, an English-language News Database, Asahi Graph, Who's Who database, Image Database of Regional pages, and contemporary Dictionary Chiezo.
Abbreviation: kikuzo
Vendor: Asahi Shimbun Company
Coverage: 1879–Current
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Newspapers and Newswires
The resource, part of the Archives Direct suite drawn from The National Archives, UK, provides comprehensive coverage of the key events during the War in Vietnam, and the wider impact on Laos and Cambodia. The material covers the role of regional actors within Indochina, including China, the US and the Soviet Union, as they compete for influence within the context of the Cold War.
Abbreviation: coinch
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History
Type: Historical / Primary Sources
Formerly restricted British Foreign Office files dealing with China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan between 1919 and 1980. Featuring diplomatic dispatches, letters, newspaper cuttings, political pamphlets, reports of court cases and other materials, this collection represents a constant exchange of information between London and the British embassies and consulates. Due to the unique nature of the relationship between Britain and China, these formerly restricted first-hand accounts provide unprecedented levels of detail into a turbulent period in Chinese history.
Survey the high politics of Independence and Partition, social and cultural interchange after 1947 and the ramifications that these changes continue to have throughout South Asia today. This is an outstanding resource for the political and social history of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan in this period, featuring essential content on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and Kashmir, as well as other frontier regions.
Explore the history of Southeast Asia from 1963-1980 through official government documents from The National Archives, UK. Discover the struggle for independence against a backdrop of conflict and a shifting political landscape. This collection offers an insight into the significant changes that took place in Southeast Asia during 1963-1980, including the creation of Malaysia and the response to this from the wider region.
Abbreviation: foosa
Vendor: Adam Matthew Digital Ltd
Subjects: History
Type: Government Publications, Historical / Primary Sources
People's Daily is the most influential and authoritative newspaper in China. It is the official voice of the central government of the People's Republic of China. For the last 70 years, the People's Daily has published daily issues that provide the single location where the central government and the Communist Party of China announce their respective policies and disseminate governmental, political, and economic messages to the public and the world. Most importantly, since its inception the newspaper has been the true barometer of the political climate of Chinese society on a daily basis. Access limited to 2 users.
Abbreviation: renmin
Vendor: Ori Probe Information Service
Coverage: 1946–Current
Subjects: Asian Studies, History
Type: Historical / Primary Sources, Newspapers and Newswires
Online access in English to the laws and administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China. Included are over 5,000 full-text English translations of Chinese legislation, 500+ decision from the Supreme People's Court and Procuratorate, legal news in full text of all news articles from 2000 to date, primary source documents related to the legislative history of regulations, and leading Chinese law journals. Produced at Peking University Law School, updated daily.
Abbreviation: lichina
Vendor: Chinalawinfo
Coverage: 2000–Current
Subjects: Asian Studies, Business, International Affairs, Law
Type: Government Publications, Indexes / Catalogs
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