Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics by Neil J. SalkindISBN: 9781412916110
Publication Date: 2006-10-13
The Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics, in two-volumes, presents state-of-the-art information and ready-to-use facts from the fields of measurement and statistics in a non-intimidating and accessible style. The Encyclopedia is specifically written to appeal to undergraduate students as well as practitioners, researchers and consumers of information. Whilst there are reference works covering statistics and assessment in depth, none provide as comprehensive a resource in as focused and approachable a manner as this encyclopedia. Key themes include: - biographies; - charts, graphs and visual displays; - computer topics and tools; - concepts and issues in measurement; - concepts and issues in statistics; - data and data reduction techniques; - descriptive statistics; - evaluation; - experimental methods; - inferential statistics; - organizations and publications; - predictions and estimations; - probability; - qualitative methods; - samples, sampling and distribution; - statistical techniques; - statistical tests; - tests by name.