Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes a variety of scholarly information, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts, and technical reports from a broad area of research. If the article has been cited by others, a cited by link will be part of the record. Clicking on that link will take you to the list of articles that cited the found item. Google Scholar searching is generally faster than either Web of Science or Scopus.
Searching Google Scholar
For more information about searching, see Google Scholar's Help pages.
In November 2011, Google Scholar added a new option called Google Scholar Citations. Authors can use this service to compute citation metrics and track them over time. The same caveats that apply to citation searching in Google Scholar apply to Google Scholar Citations, so check the information in the previous box to learn about those.
To get started, go to Google Scholar Citations. Create a profile, and then choose the articles or groups of articles you wish to track. You have the option of keeping your profile private.
PoP is a downloadable software providing enhanced analysis of Google Scholar citation data. For more information and access to the software, see Publish or Perish on the website.
You can add the Google Scholar Citation Counter to your IGoogle page. In addition to providing a citation counter, the feature will also give the "H-index". The counter is relatively new and unsophisticated, so use with caution.
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