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Resources for Dissertation Writers & Advisors

About This Page

On top of the extensive research and writing required, doctoral students are likely confronted with many other matters. Financial concerns, managing your time effectively, dealing with stress, and potentially even conflicts with your supervisor or committee are all issues that can be overwhelming. This page presents a collection of resources and strategies designed to guide the students through their doctoral journey.

Web Resources: For Students

Books for Dissertators and Graduate Mentees

  • To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the mentor-mentee relationship and issues related to dissertation supervision from the student's perspective, consult other guidebooks on graduate school and the dissertation process.

Mental Health & Doctoral Students

  • Check out the “Advice” section of The Chronicle of Higher Education
    • Access to The Chronicle of Higher Education is available through FSU Libraries
    • Go to 
    • On the upper left corner of the screen, you will see = SECTIONS link
    • Click on the link, scroll down, then click on Advice
    • Scroll down until you find the section called More Advice News and click on the link for the article titled "The Unmet Mental-Health needs of Foreign Doctoral Students." If you don't easily find the link, just type in the article title in the search bar or simply search for the terms "mental health" AND "doctoral students". You'll find the search box on the top right corner of the page.
    • For more related content, check out the bottom of the page, such as:
      •  "Why does graduate school kill so many marriages?” 
      •  "Why we need to talk more about mental health in graduate school" 
    • Fairly STEM-centric, but the journal has published a number of articles on mental health and doctoral students. To read the articles, please go to, then, copy-paste the following onto the search box:
      • "graduate students" "mental health"
  • Council of Graduate School
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