To track the movement of companies into an industry or sector, search for articles or press releases about companies in news archives.
To track exits, search for articles or press releases about companies in news archives. Check company annual reports. Many can be downloaded from the Hoovers Academic database.
Information on mergers and acquisitions is available in Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe for public companies. Additional public company information can be found at SEC website in the company annual filing (form 10-K and 10-Q); terms of the deal can be found (form 8-K (events), then form 10-Q and 10-K; finally in Schedule 14A (required vote of stock holders)
Information for mergers and acquisitions can be found at Privco database for private companies.
Merger-Related Announcements can be found in Form 13D (filed by 5% owners) and Form 4 (stock sale by stock holders/insiders).
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