Use the following call number ranges and subject headings when searching the Libraries' catalog for your subject area of London and England. Please note that these call number ranges are approximate as not all libraries follow the classification system standards.
Library of Congress Classification System:
DA1-995 History of Great Britain JN101-1371 Political institutions and public administration (Great Britain) JS3000-6949.89 Local government. Municipal government (Europe) KD8850-9312 Local laws of England PE1-3729 English language PR1-9680 English literature
Dewey Decimal Classification System:
062 General organizations in British Isles, In England 072 News media, journalism, publishing in British Isles, in England 196 Philosophy of British Isles 420 English & Old English 820 British literature in English 914. 2 Britain(Geography & travel) 940 General history of Europe 941 British Isles 942 England & Wales
Library of Congress Subject Headings
England England--History, Local English language English language & culture Art, English Architecture, English London(England)
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