FSU Libraries provides access to thousands of fiction and nonfiction eBooks in a variety of languages. To find a book online, search by Title and filter by Available Online and Resource Type > Books.
Interested in streaming movies or reading books online? Digital resources are available through FSU Libraries and the LeRoy Collins Leon County Public Library!
Below are a few links to the variety of subscription-based streaming video services provided through FSU Libraries. To find movies in our catalog online, simply search the Title and filter by Videos.
For more popular eBooks and audiobooks, sign up for a public library card to access services like Libby, Hoopla, Boundless, Flipster, and more!
To sign up in-person, go to any Leon County Public Library location. Bring your FSU Card with you to show that you’re a student.
When applying online, select that you attend school in Leon County. Be sure to use your Tallahassee address to have your library card delivered in the mail!
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