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Quality Open Access Market (QOAM)
A marketplace for scientific and scholarly journals that publish articles in open access. Quality scoring of the journals in QOAM is based on academic crowd sourcing. ‘Quality’ in QOAM does not refer directly to the quality of the articles in the journals in QOAM but to the quality of a journal as a service to authors. QOAM scores the transparency of a journal’s website with respect to editorial board, peer review, governance and work flow, while authors share their experiences with the journal.
Open Access Spectrum Evaluation Tool
The Open Access Spectrum was developed by SPARC in collaboration with PLOS and OASPA. This tool displays the core components of open access across a spectrum indicating how closed or open a journal is based upon its policies on reader rights, reuse rights, copyrights, author posting rights, automatic posting, and machine readability.
SPARC's HowOpenIsIt ?Guide
Can be downloaded and shared with faculty and students who have questions about how to evaluate open access journals.
Open Access Facts
List of facts to combat misconceptions about open access. Compiled by Micah Vandegrift, August 2011 based on a variety of research and readings.