Formerly called FISonlineObtain business descriptions, corporate histories and financial statements for 11,000 U.S. public companies and 17,000 non-U.S. public companies.
Find business, company and financial reports, plus investment, stock and mutual fund research. Provides financial content for public companies globally as well as hard-to-find private company information. Contains Company Stock Reports, Industry Surveys, Funds Reports, Stock Screener, Corporations, Executives and Directors Screener, Mutual Fund Screener, Corporate Bond Screener, and Compustat Excel Analytics.
PrivCo is a source for business and financial data on major privately-held companies, including family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies. PrivCo covers over 165,000 companies, including financial data, over 30,000 M&A transactions, and over 15,000 funding rounds. PrivCo also has over 10,000 investors, and advance search options by company, deal or investor, giving you the ability to generate fields of data within seconds based on criteria such as location, sub-industry, revenue and employee sizes, financial backing and more.
Note: create or sign in to your personal user account to access PrivCo.
Provides financials for US and International companies from around the world. Tabs within “Company Finances” allow searchs by various levels of reporting ("as reported", prelims, standardized, restated) and also with ratios and analysis for the company) using quarterly/annual reporting with a variety of time scales.
NetAdvantage provides a wide range of public company financials for US and most International publically traded companies. They additionally provide basic financials for private companies.
PrivCo is a source for business and financial data on major privately-held companies. Financial data is provided by the cmpany and acquired through their scanning of court cases and fundraising documents. Financial information for each company varies widely.
Use this industrial directory to search by product to find manufacturers, distributors, or suppliers of industrial products and components. Or search for an industrial company to find brief info, certifications, and products.