Mergent First Research covers over 1,000 industry segments. These industry reports contain vital statistics and analysis on the market and competitive landscape characteristics, operating conditions, business challenges, industry trends, current and historical growth, and more First Research is primarily a sales call prep tool but, it can also be useful for understanding the strategic issues and challenges facing the C-level executives at any major company in a particular industry.
1. Open Mergent Intellect or go through the FSU Libraries A-Z Database List
2. Type your FSU email address into the box on the left.

3. At the next screen you have several of ways to search: by company name (mostly large public companies), keyword (industry, state, key term), industry code (SIC or NACIS), or by the industry search (alphabetically or by large groups) Searching by company for “Duke” returns several industry sectors, but choose “Electric Utilities.”

4. The full data available for the Electrical Utility Industry is displayed. As you scroll down the profile on the left side of the page are links to various sections of the industry profile: Industry Overview, News and Social Media, Quarterly Industry Update, Industry Forecast, Critical Issues (major industry issues), Business Challenges, Business Trends, Industrial Opportunities (opportunities to offer the industry), Executive insight (issues that keep C-level executives up at night), Call Prep Questions (conversation starters and ideas to get executives talking)