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Women in History in FSU Special Collections & Archives

External Resources for Women's Studies

Ad*Access: Advertisements in places like women's journals are a great source of information not just on products marketed to women, but also for historical representations of gender roles, race, class, and region. Ad*Access compiles images and information for over 7000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. 

African American Women Writers of the 19th Century: a digital collection of about 52 published works by 19th-century black women writers. 

Europeana Women's History Collection: A series of online exhibits featuring women writers, artists and cultural figures from the website Europeana--dedicated to promoting Europe's online cultural heritage. 

Everyday Life and Women in America c. 1800-1920: showcases unique primary source material for the study of American social, cultural, and popular history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Jewish Women's Archive: a national organization dedicated to collecting and promoting the stories of Jewish women. 

Victorian Women Writers Project (VWWP): the project began in 1995 at Indiana University and is concerned with the exposure of lesser-known British women writers of the 19th century. The collection represents many different genres, including poetry, novels, children's books, political pamphlets, religious tracts, histories, etc. 

Women Veterans Historical Project: documents the contributions of women in the military and related service organizations since World War I. The project, organized by the University of North Carolina Greensboro, includes a wide range of source material such as photographs, letters, diaries, scrapbooks, oral histories, etc. 

Women Working, 1800-1930: An exploration of women's impact on the economic life of the Unites States between 1800 and the Great Depression

Women Writers Online: A full-text collection of early women's writing in English, published by the Women Writers Project at Northeastern University


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