Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data. Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.
Abbreviation: stati Vendor: Statista Subjects: Business, Communication, Demography and Population Studies, Economics, Hospitality, Marketing, Public Health, Urban and Regional Planning Type: Datasets / Statistics
Country Statistical Yearbooks : Europe This guide, presented by the Data & Information Services Center, provides links to country statistical yearbooks or similar collections (census, "facts and figures," etc.) for 154 countries worldwide. See the left sidebar for alphabetical lists by continent. Use the All Countries tab for an alphabetic list of all countries. Yearbooks that list statistics for more than one country or for a region can be found under Multi-Country Yearbooks.
International Economic Trends (from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Brazil, Canada, China, Euro Area, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, United Kingdom, & United States
International Financial Statistics (from Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) Approximately 32,000 time series covering more than 200 countries starting in 1948. Includes exchange rates, Fund accounts and the main global and country economic indicators
World Bank -- Data Catalog Includes education statistics, GDP rankings, gender statistics, international debt statistics, etc.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN Statistics Program. Provides data on production, price, agri-environmental indicators, etc.
From International Labour Organization. Provides country profiles, maps, statistical briefs, etc.