The Occupation & Surrender of Japan (Documents from New Zealand)
Report to Congress on Foreign Surplus Disposal
Documents S 1.47: April 1946 - July 1949
Constitutions of the German Laender
M 105.2: C76 (shelved in Subbasement)
The Rehabilitation of Austria (1945-1947)
M 105.2: Au7/2/v.1-3 (shelved in Subbasement)
Berlin Sector: A Report by the Office of Military Government
M 105.2: B45 (shelved in Subbasement)
World War II Inter-Allied Conferences
Full text PDFs of the minutes from every Allied Conference, on CD-ROM
The Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945
The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943
Report on the Paris Peace Conference by the Secretary of State
Documents, S 5.30: 90
Paris Peace Conference, 1946: Selected Documents
Documents, S 5.30: 103
Treaties of Peace with Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Roumania and Finland
Making the Peace Treaties, 1941-1947: A History of the Making of the Peace
Commentary on the Treaties of peace with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria,
Hungary and Finland
United Nations Agreements, 1944
Documents of the United Nations Conference
on International Organization,
San Francisco, 1945
Treaties of Peace with Bulgaria, Finland, Roumania, Hungary, and Italy (in multiple languages)
S 9.2: P31/v. 1-5 (shelved in Subbasement)
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