Japanese War Crimes and Related Topics: A Guide to Records at the National Archives
A PDF Guide to the collections made available by NARA.
Researching Japanese War Crimes Records: Introductory Essays
Although this is a secondary source, it contains exceptional information on how to use NARA records related to Japanese War Crimes.
Tokyo war crimes trials : Index to documents 1 to 2969 and 4000 to
4094, Numerical list of IPS documents introduced as court exhibits,
Revised index of documents by defendants, Index of documents not
specifically linked to one or more of the defendants, Index of exhibits
The Tokyo trials: a functional index to the Proceedings of the International Tribunal for the Far East
Trial of Japanese War Criminals: Documents
This collection includes the Opening Statement, the Charter of the IMF for the Far East, and the Indictment from the Trial.
Sugamo Prison, Tokyo: An Account of the Trial and Sentencing of Japanese War Criminals in 1948, by a U.S. Participant
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