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Distance Services for Faculty: Instruction Sessions By Request

The purpose of this guide is to help and support distance faculty members in acquiring materials and doing research using our library and services.


FSU Libraries offers scheduled instruction sessions with students to help them get a better understanding of how our library services work. These sessions are customized to suit the needs of your class, no matter the subject area or their location - these services are available not only to classes on our Tallahassee campus, but to those students and faculty within our iSchool. These sessions may be requested to introduce classes to major research tools in specific disciplines, and emphasize use and comparative value of the discussed resources and how they fit into the context of the research process. Library instruction can provide specialized instruction to help students:

  • understand the research process
  • focus and narrow a topic
  • locate a variety of materials on specific subjects
  • distinguish primary from secondary sources
  • recognize scholarly vs. popular articles
  • explore information resources
  • prepare for future research needs
  • reduce library anxiety

For more information on this service, please visit this page.

How to Schedule

If you are looking for more in-depth information on the library instruction service, please contact Instruction and Learning Services librarian Michael Siriwardena by phone at (850) 645-2164 or send an email to Additionally, you may contact Distance & Outreach Coordinator Michelle Demeter for more information by phone at (850) 645-2707 or by sending an email to

In order to schedule a customized library instruction session for your class, please fill out this form to submit your request.

The Florida State University Libraries

© Florida State University Libraries | 116 Honors Way | Tallahassee, FL 32306 | (850) 644-2706