Subject-specific repositories make it easy to find OER relevant to your discipline. This page presents a sample of discipline-specific OER collections, textbooks, and other items. Our selection is by no means exhaustive and is constantly growing. If you cannot find relevant materials in your discipline, try using general OER repositories like OER Commons, Merlot, or OpenStax CNX to broaden your search.
Anthropology — Cornell University Press
A collection of open access monographs and anthologies
Art History
Art 100: Art Appreciation
Short chapters on art history, criticism, and interpretation
Open online textbook with interactive materials from Khan Academy
Classics — Cornell University Press
Open access monographs and anthologies
Digital Humanities
Digital Public Library of America
Primary sources from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States
The Programming Historian
Lessons for using digital tools in the humanities
Interactive tutorials on digital preservation and media conservation
Principles of Macroeconomics
OpenStax textbook serves as an introduction to macroeconomics concepts
The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets
Open textbook features real-world examples and applications of microeconomics concepts
Economics of Seinfeld
Video resources explain fundamentals of economics through the TV sitcom Seinfeld
Companion to the Canterbury Tales
Open access guide to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Literary Criticism and Theory — Cornell University Press
Open monographs and anthologies from Cornell University Press
Writing Commons
Articles on composition, grammar, rhetoric, and other concepts relevant to writing instruction
Human Sciences
Death - Yale Open Courses
A philosophy course from Yale University on death and dying featuring video lectures with transcripts
Nursing Care at the End of Life
Open textbook by SUNY University Press
AIM Approved Textbooks
Open textbooks approved by the American Institute of Mathematics
Elements of Discrete Mathematics
Chapters with practice problems for discrete mathematics
Problem sets, quizzes, and tests based on existing open math textbooks
Modern Languages
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)
Collection of OER from the University of Texas that offers foreign language resources
Spanish instructional materials for intermediate learners
Political Science
Political Science — Cornell University Press
Open monographs and anthologies from Cornell
Clinical Psychology (PSYCH205)
Online psychology course with readings and lecture videos
Open psychology textbooks on various specializations
Intro to the New Testament and Literature
A Yale open course with video lectures and transcripts on the historical study of the origins of Christianity
Intro to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible)
Yale open course with video lectures and transcripts on the Old Testament
STEM (general)
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
Case studies from many STEM fields
National Sciences Digital Library
Division of OER Commons focused on STEM resources
Women's Studies
Women's Studies - Cornell University Press
Open monographs and anthologies from Cornell
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