If you are experiencing an issue with an electronic resource, you can always click the Report a problem with this resource link that is located within the Links section of the details of any OneSearch result.
After choosing the Report a problem with this resource link, you will then need to fill out a form where you explain the issue you are experiencing. It is important to include as much information as you can so that we can resolve the issue promptly. "Required" in red font indicates required fields to fill out to complete the form.
Sometimes an issue seems complex and can be difficult to explain, so this is why sending our team screenshots and videos of what you are experiencing is important. If we are able to see exactly what are you experiencing, it is likely we can resolve the problem quicker.
NOTE: There is not an option to include attachments in the Report a Problem via Primo form. If you are wanting to include attachments, please email us directly at lib-erm@fsu.edu .
The following tabs will help you find the right application for you, how to use it, and how to send it to the Electronic Resources department. Keep in mind there are many applications out there that you may also like; the following are just examples of ones our team often uses.
There are various free applications and software that allow you to take screenshots and videos of your computer's screen. Below are a few of them, with tabs that include in-depth instructions for each based on the computer.
Below is a short video demonstrating the Snipping Tool software for PC and Windows.
Once you have downloaded the software from ScreenToGif's website, you can find the application on your desktop. After clicking the application, a window will pop up that will allow you to start recording your screen experience. Below is a screenshot of the ScreenToGif application.
After choosing the "Recorder" option within the application, another window will open that places your screen within a recording window box pictured in the screenshot below. You will then choose the "Record" option and begin recording.
When you are satisfied with your recording, you will then save it onto your computer. Then you can attach it to an email to us, or on our Support Portal form.
After you have followed the instructions on the LICEcap website to download the software, the application should be on your desktop. As shown in the screenshot below, a window box appears after the application has been opened. Choose the "Record" option, name the file, then LICEcap begins recording after a file has been saved.
A link to our Databases A-Z list can be found on the main library website. Please contact us directly at lib-erm@fsu.edu regarding any database access issues. Please provide detailed information about the issue with screenshots.
Email the Electronic Resources department at lib-erm@fsu.edu
Email the Cataloging department at lib-cataloging@fsu.edu
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