- What is market research? - (see "Market" tab)
- What makes up your market?
- Who is the customer base/target audience?
- Purchasing patterns
- Consumer lifestyles
- Who are the competitors in your market?
- What are the current market trends for the industry I'm looking at?
- Market Health? (Is demand booming or dying down?)
- Geographics: Does market health change with location?
*Difference Between Market & Industry*
- Market: Consumer response to various products within different industries and their substitutes
- Industry: Single product or specific product line
Target Group:
- Market: Buyers & Seller
- Industry: Producers & Manufacturers
Industry Research Analyzes:
- Growth
- Trends
- Competitors
- Porter's Five Forces
- PESTLE Analysis
- SWOT Analysis
Market Research Analyzes:
- Behavior/Psychographics
- Trends
- Demographics
- Geographics
- Market Size
- Customer Research
- Product Research
- Brand Research
- What is industry research? - (see "Industry" tab)
- Set up industry outlook - What did/does industry look? (past, present, future)
- What are the economic factors that affect this industry?
- What is the political climate? How does that affect the industry?
- Who are the leading companies in the industry? Who are their competitors?
- Porter's Five Forces Analysis (see Templates tab)
- What is consumer research? - (see "Customer" tab)
- What are the different consumer segments?
- What are the buyer trends in that market? Industry?
- Determine what the buying trends show about the behavior and needs of the consumer (in your market).
- Customer satisfaction surveys
- Consumer Reports
- Affects marketing and advertising