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APA is commonly used to cite sources in the social sciences fields APA Handbook (7th Edition) Locations:
Academic Writers Tutorial: Basics of the 7th edition of APA
Source: https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/reference-examples.pdf
If you intend to use and cite AI-generated content for course assignments, first consult with your instructor. Instructors have varying opinions about how or whether students may use ChatGPT or other Generative AI tools. Use the following format to cite ChatGPT. For detailed information on how to cite AI in APA style, please check this APA blog post, How to cite ChatGPT, created on April 7, 2023.
To quote or reproduce the text generated by ChatGPT in your paper:
In-text Citation | Reference |
(OpenAI, 2023) |
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat |
To put the full text of long responses from ChatGPT in an appendix or in online supplemental materials:
In-text Citation | Reference |
(OpenAI, 2023; see Appendix A for the full transcript) |
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat |
To create a reference to ChatGPT or other AI models and software:
In-text Citations | Reference |
Parenthetical citation: (OpenAI, 2023) Narrative citation: OpenAI (2023) |
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat |
Type of Source |
Reference List Citation |
Edited book |
Editor, A.A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of work. Publisher. Example:
Romano, A. J., & Marincola, J. (Eds.). (2019). Host or parasite?: Mythographers and their contemporaries in the classical and Hellenistic periods. De Gruyter. |
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter. In A.A. Editor & B.B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.
Bonn, M. A. (2003). Employee service quality issues: Meeting the needs of our internal customers. In Salih Kusluvan (Ed)., Managing employee attitudes and behaviors in the tourism and hospitality industry (pp. 433-452). Nova Scientific. |
Author, A. A. (Year of Publication). Title of book. http://www.someaddress.com/full/url
Fahm, A. (2019). Introduction to financial mathematics: Concepts, and computational methods. http://fsu.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fsu%3A717221
Type of Source | Reference List Citation |
Article in a periodical (journal/magazine)
**If articles from a library database are “easily located, do not provide database information. If the article is difficult to locate, then you can provide database information.” (from Purdue Online Writing Lab) |
Journal Format: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.
Journal Example: Zhao, T., Bell, L., Horner, M. W., Sulik, J., & Zhang, J. (2012). Consumer responses towards home energy financial incentives: A survey-based study. Energy Policy, 47, 291-297.
Magazine Format:
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Periodical, issue number, pages.
Magazine Example: Banks, H. (1993, April 26). Soak the lower middle class! Forbes, 151(9), 37. |
Newspaper article |
Print Format:
Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, page(s).
Print Example: Brown, P.L. (2017, June 23). When a Brooklyn Graveyard can't expand outward, it looks within: [metropolitan desk]. The New York Times, p. A.22.
Electronic Format: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper.
Electronic Example: Sifferlin, A. (2015, September 30). “Washing dishes is a really great stress reliever, science says.” Time. https://time.com/4056280/washing-dishes-stress-relief-mindfulness/. |
Article from online periodical (no DOI) |
Format: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Publication Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number if available), page(s). http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Example: Weissert, C. S. (2004). Promise and perils of state-based road to universal health insurance in the U.S., Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, 7(1), 42-69. |
Article from online periodical (DOI provided) |
Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number, pages. https://doi.org/xxxx
Example: |
Type of Source |
Reference List Citation |
Entire web site |
Format: In APA style there is no need to include an entry for an entire web site in your reference list as long as you identify the source clearly in the text of your paper. Example: The Purdue University Online Writing Lab was extremely helpful in understanding the differences between APA and MLA styles (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/). |
Dissertations or Theses |
Format: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of dissertation [Format]. Name of Institution Awarding the Degree. |
Data set |
Format: Author, A. (Year Created). Title of data. [Format]. Publisher. http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/ Bales, W. D. (2018). Florida State University and Florida Department of Juvenile Justice research partnership projects, 2002-2017 (ICPSR 36972) [Data and code book]. ICPSR. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.fsu.edu/10.3886/ICPSR36972.v1 |
What You Are Citing |
In-Text Citation |
Specific page or part of a work |
(Bakan, 2019, p.111)
Multiple works |
Parenthetical Citation:
Online article with no page numbers |
Parenthetical Citation:
(Southerland et al., 2016, Discussion, para.1)
One author
Feiock, R. (2013)
(Feiock, 2013) |
Two authors
Reference List: Paek, I. & Cole, K. (2019)
(Paek & Cole, 2019)
Three or more authors
Darling, C. A., Olmstead, S.B., Lund, V. E., &
(Darling et al., 2008) |
Group author
Reference List: American Library Association. (2019)
Parenthetical Citation: (American Library Association [ALA], 2019)
(ALA, 2019)
No author(s) listed
Reference List:
(“None to Claim Their Bones,” 1888)
If the title contains a colon, only use the text
Undated sources
Parenthetical Citation: |
Citing a source within a source
Reference List: Arpan, L. M., & Raney, A. A. (2003). An experimental investigation of news source and the hostile media effect. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80(2), 265-281.
Your in-text citation gives credit to the second source
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